66. Elope

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Naruto sighed as his mother continued choosing all the extravagant options for the wedding.

"Seriously, that's a huge venue. And we're only expecting a turnout of a hundred maximum. I get it's romantic, but it's gigantic." Naruto exasperated. "I'm not getting it."

"But it's the only free place at the moment." Iruka whined.

"The Sapporo mansion has a lovely garden, it's even prettier than this place." The teen argued.

"I haven't been there in ages! We should go and check it out." Iruka spoke with urgency.

Nothing was ready. Everything he had suggested was immediately shut down by his son. It's not that they were bad ideas, but Naruto didn't want anything too flashy. He wanted something simple and quiet.

It contradicted with Iruka's views, who wanted his son's wedding to be big, colourful and explosive.

When the two males arrived at the mansion. Iruka had already started planning things out.
Naruto just chuckled following his mother.
"I take it you're satisfied?"

"Oh the cherry blossoms are so lovely! I can already picture it. You and Sasuke in the Gazebo, cherry blossoms everywhere. Oh it's gonna be soo beautiful!!" Iruka stopped in place as it hit him, "you're getting married." He repeated a couple of times as his eyes watered.

"Kaasan," Naruto pouted bringing his mother closer.

"I can't believe my baby is getting married." Iruka wiped his tears "look at me: a mess already. I'm going to need extra tissues." He chuckled and moved along quickly. Dwelling on the matter meant thinking of why they were pushing the date forward. He didn't want to think of that whatsoever.

Iruka had found himself succumbing to most of Naruto's alternative ideas. They were generally better suited for what the blond had in mind.

"You're really fighting me on everything." Iruka sighed.

Naruto softly smiled "I'm sorry, I just want something small. Everything you have is grand."

"Says the boy who spoils his soon to be husband." Iruka rolled his eyes.

"He doesn't want a big wedding either," Naruto laughed, "come on don't be cross. It's gonna be perfect regardless. I tell you what; I'll give you the green light to do one extravagant thing and I won't say no...whatever it is."

"Whatever I want to do?" Iruka raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Naruto replied shortly with a smile. knowing his mother, he hoped it would be meaningfully grand.

"Okay, then I want to plan the reception dinner. all of it, by myself. counts as one thing..." the man shot back almost immediately.

Naruto shrugged, "go nuts,"

With full permission granted, they both switched their attention to the rest of the glaring issues they had to deal with. They haven't gotten a cake yet, no catering, no music, the invitations are yet to be made, and even the things he and Iruka have discussed are wet ink on paper.

Sasuke was with their brothers. the trio went shopping for tuxedos. Naruto wished he could be there with him instead. Although, his superstitious side had hindered him from going with his Fiancé.

The blond went to a different tailor with his mother.
"so have you two talked about who's wearing what colour?" Iruka asked.

"Oh, Sasuke is opting for the classic black. I haven't decided for myself though." he teen informed. "I do want to wear a white suit but whether for the reception or the ceremony...I'm not sure. what was your wedding like, Kaasan?"

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