74. Kaminoki (Part 1)

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Hey Sexy Dumplings,

I have been sadly delaying this chapter because I didn't want this to end. I loved writing every chapter. I loved reading your reviews and getting to know you.

But sadly all good things come to an end.

This is it.

The last chapters to conclude this story.


Naruto stood on the balcony one last time. He couldn't believe their trip to Kirigakure was already over. But that meant it was time to go to the next stop.

Naruto smiled as the familiar loving arms of his soulmate surrounded him.

"We can stay a bit longer, if you're not ready, Naru." Sasuke offered, arms tensing momentarily.

"There's a lot more for us to see. We're not going home now dattebayo? We're going on a world tour." Naruto rested his head against Sasuke's chest, watching the flames of the sun extinguished by the salty waters of the ocean.

Sasuke planted a kiss on Naruto's shoulder, taking in the sweet scent of his husband and lingering there a moment too long. He pried himself away. "I'll get the rest of our stuff downstairs."

Naruto replied with a soft nod, his eyes fixed on the colorful sky. he couldn't help but notice, the lack of enthusiasm in the raven's voice. Not to mention, Sasuke hadn't called him Usuratonkachi for a couple of weeks now.

He normally greeted him with a 'good morning, Usuratonkachi'. But it became 'G'morning, Naru'. Sasuke had the habit of using that nickname to baby him, more out of concern than anything else.

Naruto snapped the last sunset picture before he exited the balcony. Maybe he was looking too into it.

He didn't recall when they got to the airport, boarded the plane, or the seven-hour flight to Uzushiogakure. It all had passed in a hazy cloud of smoke that lasted a second for him.

He could swear he heard Sasuke's panicking voice calling for him before it all faded to black.

When he opened his eyes, white hospital walls greeted him. By his bedside was a redhead he hadn't seen since his wedding.

"Aniki?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Was this a dream? "Where am I?"

Kurama small smiled, holding his brother's hand. "Welcome back." He softly spoke. "The hospital, you've been here for a couple of weeks now."

"What-..." He cleared his throat "What happened? Where's Sasuke?"

"Sasuke's in the hotel. Itachi and I barely convinced him to go for a while. Naruto, you have to cut your trip short. I know how much you want this but it's not helping. You're deteriorating faster. Sasuke...he-..." Kurama bit his lip.

"What?" The blond scanned his brother's features. "He what?"

"This isn't good for him either. So please for both of your sakes, cut it short and come back home. We can all look after you. It's too much for him alone."

Naruto squeezed his brother's hand reassuringly. Sure, he wanted to see the world with his husband, but having Sasuke shoulder the weight of looking after him was unfair.

He didn't want Sasuke to become his keeper. Although, it appeared they were way past that point.

His eyes closed more heavily.
"Okay, but can we have a few days here at least? I want to show Sasuke..."
The teen had drifted to sleep before he even finished his sentence.

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