68. The Wedding Part 2

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The officiant couldn't help smiling at the two love doves. He had after all tied their knot just a few days ago secretly.
It warmed his heart seeing people in love. It was why he loved doing what he was doing.

Unfortunately for the young couple, the moment the officiant had briefly talked about the duo; people understood this was a gay wedding.

The ceremony was pretty much interrupted with people gossiping. When the officiant asked if everything was alright; hell broke loose.

Iruka had not only invited Kakashi's family but some of the Uchiha that were not suggested by Itachi.
The brunet meant well. It was a happy occasion and he thought the more family to celebrate it with the merrier.

It might have come from a place of loneliness, being an orphan himself, adopting two orphans who pretty much also had no extended family, meant their gatherings have always been small.

He also thought this could be the opportunity to reunite with the Hatake.

But in his hopefulness he completely forgot to be realistic.

The officiant had managed to calm down the fire before it erupted, using smooth words.

Naruto took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, somehow this is still better than I had expected." Naruto joked lightly causing the raven to chuckle.

The couple focused on their ceremony. They have not exchanged their own vows as they had already done that before and opted for the normal ones.

Even though they have both said 'I do' not even two days ago, they both were on the verge of tears saying it again.

They shared a passionate kiss. They had to fake-sign their wedding documents.

Sasuke watched as Sai was being secretive with Naruto causing his husband to laugh here and there.
"I'm not saying," Naruto amusingly handed the pen to a frustrated Sai before walking to the Nara.

"Congrats, Uchiha-san!" Shikamaru found himself in a tight hug from his best friend.

"I can't wait to attend yours and Temari's. I hope it doesn't get crazy like mine." Naruto chuckled.

"As long as you're ready to help me elope two days before the big day." The Nara joked back.

Behind them Sai was pretending to sign too and turned to Sasuke.
"I have a question, Dead Fish."
He stood up, "How does someone like you top someone like Naruto?"

"E-excuse me?"

In retrospect, Sai didn't stop to weigh in his words.
"It has come to my knowledge that he isn't as Dickless as I thought." The painter might have unintentionally given the impression he was undressing the blond with his eyes. "If I knew he was this gifted sooner..." the taller teen cleared his throat "I would've-..."

Sai never got to finish his words.

Much to everyone's surprise, Sasuke had punched their witness out of the blue before running off.

Naruto was just as shocked as everyone. He tended to Sai before Shikamaru advised him to find his husband.

The blond ran out of the wedding area in the garden. Sasuke had abandoned his sandals to run better.

"Have you seen Sasuke?" Naruto asked the butlers and thanked them. He held the sandals in hand and walked with urgency to the fountain.

He could hear his husband's sobbing. The pale groom was sitting by the edge of the fountain, surrounded by blooming red roses and falling cherry blossoms.

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