23. Family

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Naruto opened his eyes feeling someone was in bed with him. He didn't need to look up to know it was Kurama.

Judging by how peacefully he slept, he probably had been awake all night looking after him. Still, only the slightest movement woke him up. Kurama was a light sleeper.
Naruto smiled and just rested his head on Kurama's chest closing his eyes reminiscing about the time he used to sleep in his brother's arms.

"Na-Naruto?" He cleared his throat feeling embarrassed. But even as he blushed, he still wrapped his arms around his younger sibling, a small smile creeping on his cheeks as he gently kissed the blond's head.

Kurama was all relaxed knowing his brother had fallen back to sleep. He knew the argument would have otherwise been long and dreadful to try and get him to stay home. But the doorbell rang and he was awake.
"It's Raiku-san" Naruto sat up.

"And why is she here?" Kurama stopped his little brother who had already gotten up and was searching in his closet.

"Board meeting this morning." He reached for his suit. "I have to be there. Kurama, I'm fine"

"You're getting an IV and I'm talking to Raiku"

"Haai" Naruto replied as he watched the redhead leave the room.

He heard the front door open and close, then he went to take a shower.

Downstairs, Raiku had formally greeted them as she usually does whenever she came. But, they were as friendly as ever, inviting her for breakfast. She obliged with only a cup of coffee.

"Naruto's not feeling well. I'm counting on you to keep an eye on him." Kurama stated. "And bring him home as soon as he is done"


The redhead soon left the breakfast table to go tend to his brother. Half an hour later, her boss and his brother were downstairs.

Raiku excused herself and left with her young boss.
"Sir, I have hired a nurse as per your request and sent him to the address you have given"

"Ah good" Naruto smiled "thank you. So what's this meeting about?"

"Kire-san has some proposals" she sighed.

"Of course he does..." Naruto closed his eyes. This guy always had proposals. The most insane proposals from the most insane companies. "This is going to be long" he was anxious about it.

Once they have arrived at the Kire-corps building. Naruto got out with his right hand by his side. Raiku for him was more than just an assistant. She was his advisor amongst other things and in his absence she had the authority. Raiku was the person he trusted most in that company, even more than the board of directors or his CEO.

She walked at his own pace, filling him on the recent changes.
They took the elevator to the 60th floor and walked to the meeting room.

It was a huge room. White marbled floor, white walls that made it look even bigger. The table that extended from end to end was made of glass. On the two long sides were ten black leathered chairs. His was at the head of the table, a dark brown arm chair with a leather pillow of the same colour.

Raiku pulled one of the black chairs and sat next to him as he had always asked her to. "Do you need anything, sir?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you" he stared at the documents she placed in front of him reminded once again, it truly was going to be a long day.

The members of the board arrived all at once. Naruto and Raiku stood up as they were bowed to. The blond returning the bow as always and his right hand woman doing the same.

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