77 : School Project

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A/N : Requested by @AradhanaVanAssche     

77 - School Project

You walk to the school library, looking for a blonde. You got partnered with a boy you don't really know for a history research project. And you guys agreed to meet in the library after class to get started.

You spot him sitting alone at a table in the back, so you walk over and sit down across from him.

"Hey," Riker says, putting his phone down.

"Hey. Have any ideas for the project?"

"Yeah, I picked out some books we can use," he says, gesturing towards 3 books on the table.

"Oh. Great."

"So I was thinking you could do the first 2 research questions, and I could do the last 2. And then we can write the intro and conclusion together once we combine our research," Riker says.

"Sounds good."

You grab a book and start writing down some information for the research questions. But you notice that Riker keeps looking at you.

"What? Do you need this book?" You ask.

"Oh. No. Sorry."

"Then why do you keep looking over here?" You ask, curious.

"You're just... really pretty. Sorry," he says, his cheeks turning pink.

"It's fine. You're kind of cute," you say.

"Thanks," he says, his cheeks turning even more pink.

"You're welcome."

"Hey, um... I was wondering if maybe you want to hang out after this?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well... This project isn't due for a week. So I was thinking maybe we could just hang out at my place. Maybe watch a movie," Riker says, shutting his book.

"Ok," you say, shutting your book too.

Riker puts the books away and you guys both pack up your stuff.

"My house is like 5 minutes from here if you don't mind walking," Riker says.

"I don't mind."

You both start walking down the sidewalk. Riker slowly gets closer and closer to you and then takes your hand gently in his and intertwines your fingers with his. You smile, holding his hand tight.

When you get to Riker's house, he brings you up to his room.

"We just have to make it look like we're working on our project in case my siblings come in. Otherwise they'll tease me about having a girl over," Riker says, pulling out his school stuff.

You sit down on Riker's bed. Once he's done laying out his school stuff, he sits down beside you.

He looks at you and you can see his cheeks are pink again.

"What are you blushing about?" You ask, laughing at him.

"You're just pretty. I can't help it," Riker says, smiling.

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"I know. I'm just weird."

"You're not weird. You're cute."

Riker starts leaning closer to you slowly, but then pauses, almost like he got nervous. So you close the gap between you guys and kiss him gently on the lips.

A few days later...

"Riker, we're never going to finish this project if we keep goofing off," you say, looking up at him.

"I don't want to work on it anymore tonight. I just want to cuddle," he says, holding you tight in his arms.

"Riker, it's due tomorrow. All we have to do is add the intro and conclusion and then print it out. Come on. We can cuddle once we finish it, ok? We can even watch a movie."


You pull him out of his bed and over to your laptop. The whole time you're finishing your project, you can just feel Riker looking at you. He does it very often, absentmindedly. It's cute.

"Ok, can you print it?" You ask, handing him the laptop.


He prints out the paper and then hands it to you. 

"Cuddles now?" He asks, sweetly.


You climb into bed beside him as he puts a movie on his laptop. 

"Can I just say something before I start the movie?" Riker asks.


"You're the best partner I've ever had for a school project," he says, leaning in for another kiss. 

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