69 : Riker cuts - Part 2

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A/N : Part 2 requested by 

69 - Riker cuts

A few days later...

You've been keeping an eye on Riker ever since you found out that he cuts. He doesn't seem much better.

You were coming over to his house today to hang out. You were hoping to cheer him up a little more.

You get to his house and knock on the door. Rocky answers it.

"Hey. Riker's upstairs."

He lets you in and you go up to his room. It's cracked open. You knock on it lightly, and then push it open slowly.

Riker whips around from standing in his closet. He immediately yanks his sleeves down.



"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"Ok... Can we talk?"


You sit down on his bed. He slowly walks over and sits beside you. You glance down at his hands, which are gripping the bottom of his sleeves tightly.

"Riker, you seem tense."

"I'm fine."



You slowly reach out and take his hand. And you pull up his sleeve. There is blood all over his wrist.


"I'm sorry! Please don't tell!"

"Riker, I have to. This is becoming a problem for you."

"You can't! Mom will be so mad!"

"She won't be mad, Riker. She'll probably just be disappointed."

"That's even worse!"

"Take a second, and just breathe, Riker."

He wiped his tears and took some deep breaths.

"Ok, I'm ready," he said, softly.

"No, you're not. You need your wrists cleaned up first."

You take his hand gently, and bring him to the bathroom. You rinse his wrists off in the sink and gently pat them dry with a dark towel that won't get stained from his blood. You don't want to bandage them because you want his mom to be able to see the cuts he's made.

"Ok. Now we can go," you say, taking his hand again.

Riker walks obnoxiously slow beside you. You're almost dragging him along at a normal walking pace.

You get to the kitchen, where his mom and dad are sitting at the table. His mom is on her phone, and his dad is typing on his laptop.

"M-mom?" Riker asks, super quietly.

"What, honey?" She asks, not looking up from her phone.

"Um... I have something to tell you..."

She puts her phone down, and looks up at him.

"I... I have a problem..." He says, staring down at his shoes.

"What's your problem?"

"I... I can't say it..."

You slowly pull up one of his sleeves, and turn his wrist towards his mom.

"Oh my stars, Riker, what happened!?"

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