39 : Losing a bet

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A/N : Inspired by something I saw on YouTube...


39 - Losing a bet

"No! Can't we do this some other time!?" Riker asks, backing up into the corner of his bedroom.

You walk towards him, and grab his wrist.

"Riker, we made a bet, and you lost. Come on. I bought the stuff. We're doing it now."

"No! Come on! How about I take you out to dinner instead, ok?"

"No. This will be way better than dinner."

"No," he whines.

You pull him into the bathroom.

"Seriously. Can we please just not do this? I really don't want to," Riker says, trying to leave the room.

You give him a look.

"Riker. You lost. If I'd lost, you would've made me keep my end of the deal. You need to keep your end."

"Well that's only because I thought I was going to win!"

"Too bad."

You and Riker had made a bet a few days ago. You bet him that you could make 5 baskets before he could. He had a basketball hoop in his driveway. Little did he know, you were secretly taking lessons from his brothers, and he ended up losing the bet. And now he had to get his armpits waxed.

You opened the box, and took everything out. You turned towards your boyfriend, Riker. And he jumped backwards.

"Babe, no. Seriously. I'm starting to freak out."

"Riker, it'll be really quick. Trust me."


He ran out, and went back to his bedroom. You took everything from the box, and followed him in.

"Seriously, please don't," Riker said, backing into the corner.

"Rik, it'll be fast. I promise. And after, we can cuddle, and watch a movie, and whatever else you want to do, ok?"

"Please, I can't-"

"You can. Trust me. I know how to do this."

"Does it hurt?"

"Only a little."

"Can I lay down?"


He lays down on his bed, and you sit down beside him.

"Can you like do them both at the same time?"

"If that's what you want, then sure."

"Make it as quick as possible, ok?"

"I'll do my best, Rik."

You start putting the wax on. Riker is incredibly tense beside you. He has his eyes shut tight, and his whole body is shaking slightly.

You place the strips on, and you're ready to go.

"Rik, you ready?"


He's shaking even more now. You grab the bottom of both the strips, and yank them up as fast as you can.


Riker turns over, and starts screaming into his pillow. You can't help but laugh at him a little. He usually tries to act tough, but when he's in pain, he acts like a child.

"Rik, it's over. You're ok," you say, rubbing his back lightly.

"It hurts..." He whimpers.

You make him turn over so you can see his face. He's crying a little.

"Aw, Riker."

You lift up his arms so you can see.

"Look how good they look."

"They were fine before!"

"Well you lost a bet, so..."

"Whatever... Where are my cuddles!?"

He grabs you by the waist, and pulls you down next to him, holding you tight.

You stay with him the rest of the day, cuddling and watching movies.

Riker Lynch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now