70 : Riker cuts - Part 3

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70 - Riker cuts

A few weeks later...

Instead of every day, Riker has been going to therapy twice a week. 

You decided to visit Riker today. You go over his house every few days because you like to talk to him and see how he's doing.

You get to his house, and Rocky tells you he's upstairs. That's where he usually is. 

You go upstairs and find him laying on his stomach on his bed, writing something in a notebook.

"Hey, Rik."


"What are you up to?"

"Just writing."


"No... It's a journal... I know you must think that's stupid-"

"No. I don't. Is it helping you?"

"I think so... My therapist said to write down my thoughts and feelings. And then when I go to therapy, we go through everything I've written down and talk about it."

"So you've opened up?"

"Yeah. I didn't want to at first. I just felt weird and kind of embarrassed. But as soon as I finally started talking, it started helping. She gave me a lot of tips and tricks for when I'm feeling like I want to cut. And then I'd try them and write down what did and didn't work. And she helped figure out better ways to help me."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Definitely. And since it was because of the hate comments, mom sort of took my phone away so I couldn't read any... But today marks one month since the last time I cut, so I get my phone back today."

"Did you talk with your therapist about how to handle the hate comments better?"

"Yeah... She said there's always going to be hate comments because I can't please everyone. Instead of focusing on what the haters are saying, I need to focus on what my fans are saying because they're the ones that matter. They're the ones that care about me. Not the haters."

"Well good. I'm glad you're doing better, Riker. But we should do something to celebrate that you made it a month without cutting."


"Yeah. It's something to celebrate. You're getting better."

"Ok. What should we do?"

"We can do whatever you want. It's your accomplishment. So you can choose."

"Could we maybe go get some ice cream?"

"Sure! That's a great idea!"

"Can we go now?"


He gets his shoes on and you both get in his car. He drives to a nearby ice cream place. You both order, and then sit down outside at a table.

"Thanks for not leaving me throughout this," Riker says, quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I was scared you'd leave when you found out that I was cutting. But you didn't. You stuck with me."

"Riker, of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know... I thought maybe you wouldn't want a boyfriend who was... mentally unstable..."

"Riker, you're a strong person. I knew you'd get better. I didn't know how long it would take, but I knew you'd eventually get better. Especially with all the support from your family."

"I just didn't know if you'd want to deal with me..."

"Riker. I love you. And I don't care what happens. For all we know, you might start cutting again or something. Or something worse might happen. But as your girlfriend, I'm going to be here beside you no matter what. I've got your back, and I know you've got mine."

He leans forward and kisses you. His lips are cold from the ice cream.

"I love you," he mumbles.

"I love you too, Riker. And I'm glad you're so much better now."

A/N : If you guys have any imagine requests, please leave a comment. I'm running out of ideas since I have 70 parts to this book haha...

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