78 : No Roommate

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A/N : Inspired by a video Riker posted on his Patreon where he wanted to play Nine Lives but Rocky was like nope we're not playing that on tour.

78 - No Roommate

Riker POV

I'd gotten into a huge fight with Rocky earlier today. I had to go run some errands, and when I came back, all of his stuff was gone from our room.

I felt my stomach drop.

I checked Ross and Ryland's room. He wasn't there.

I checked Rydel's room. He wasn't there either.

I checked the guest room. Bingo.

"Rocky, what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"I decided that I want to sleep in here now. I asked mom and dad, and they said it's fine, but if we have a guest, I have to move back in. But otherwise, this is my room now."

"But why?"

"Because you were really obnoxious this morning."

"Rocky, I just think we should play some of our old songs. The fans love our old songs."

"Our old songs aren't good, Riker. We don't play them anymore for a reason. They're a bad representation of who we are now."

"Those songs got us to where we are today. If people hadn't listened to those songs, they wouldn't have found us and became fans. We might be better songwriters now, but our old songs are a part of us."

"Exactly. They're part of our history. They should stay in the past."

"Well I don't agree."

"I don't care if you agree or not. We have new songs that we should be playing and promoting. We're going on tour with our new album, not our old first songs."

"I'm not saying we should play only our old songs. I'm saying we shouldn't just completely abandon them."

"Well I disagree. And you're not the one who makes the set list."

I crossed my arms.

"So just because we don't agree on something, you think we shouldn't be roommates anymore?"

"Pretty much."

"Rocky, we disagree on tons of things. Like I think blue is the best color. You think green is the best color. We don't have to agree on everything."

"I just need some time, Riker. Please just leave me alone for a while."

I sighed and left.


Riker POV

Before bed, I decided to go tell Rocky some news that he probably wouldn't like, but maybe he'd understand my point of view better.

His door was open, so I went in and sat down on the end of his bed.

"What are you doing here?" Rocky asked, not looking up from his phone.

"I talked to dad."


"About the set list."


"And he thought that we should play 1 or 2 of our old songs at our shows. And it's for the same reason I said earlier. Our old fans love those songs."


"Rocky, I'm not trying to make you mad. I just think that's what the fans would want. Don't you think that's what's most important? Doing what the fans want?"

"I guess so..."

"Ok, then can you please not be mad at me anymore? I'm only trying to do what's best for the band."

Rocky sighed and looked up at me.

"I know," he said.

"Then would you please consider moving back into our room?"

"Only if you help me."



Riker POV

By the time I finished helping Rocky move back into our room, it was really late and we were both tired. 

"Thanks for helping me move back in. I shouldn't have gotten so mad and moved out in the first place."

"It's ok. I'm just glad to have you back."

I hugged Rocky and then got in bed, happy I had my roommate back again.

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