41 - Panic attack

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41 - Panic attack

You went with R5 to an interview they were having today. They already did the interview, and now they were taking a break. But in about 20 minutes, they had to go back out and perform their new songs on the New Addictions EP.

Your boyfriend, Riker, had been really nervous because he didn't know if the fans would like the new music. He was scared of getting booed off the stage.

Everyone was together in a room that was the makeshift dressing room.

Ross and Rocky had guitars, and were playing some random things to warm up. Rydel was showing Ellington things on her phone. And Riker was sitting beside you, fidgeting nervously.

"Hey. Calm down. You'll be great, babe," you whisper.

"I'll be right back."

Riker quickly stands up, and leaves the room. When he doesn't come back after a few minutes, you leave the room to go looking for him.

You don't know where he would've gone other than the bathroom. So you walk to the bathroom, and knock on the door.

"Rik? You in there?"

You hear the lock click. You try the door, and it's unlocked. You walk in, and see Riker sitting on the floor in the corner, shaking and crying.

"Riker, what happened!?"

"I-I don't k-know. I f-feel like I c-can't b-breathe. M-my heart's r-racing."

You sit down beside him on the floor, and put your arm around him.

You hold his shaking hand in yours. It's weird because he never gets like this. And it's weird how nervous he is.

After a few minutes, he finally calms down, and stops crying. You wipe the tears off his cheeks for him.

"You ok now?" You ask.

"Yeah... That was scary..."

"You're probably just stressed out. But that's weird. You never get stressed out like this."

"I don't know... We've been working so hard on the new music, and we keep finding things we aren't happy with. We've just had a lot of problems we've been trying to work through, and I don't want anyone to hate the EP. I guess I'm just nervous."

"Aw... Well I think you need to go out there soon. I'm sure they'll love it, Riker."

You help him up, and walk back to the dressing room.

"Where were you!? We need to go out like right now!" Ross says, dragging Riker out of the room.

"You'll be great. Don't worry, Riker," you say, following them.

You stand on the side of the stage where no one can see you, but you can see R5. You're standing on Riker's side of the stage.

He picks up his bass, and steps up to the microphone. Ross starts talking and saying hi to all the fans. Riker looks at you nervously, so you give him a big thumbs up for encouragement.

They start playing their first song, and the crowd is already singing along from what they knew from the teasers.

By the end, the crowd is going crazy. Riker walks off the stage with the biggest smile ever on his face.

"Told you," you say, pushing his shoulder.

Riker rolls his eyes, and kisses you.

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