54 : Halloween

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A/N : A little last minute Halloween imagine for you guys...

54 - Halloween

You and Riker dressed up for Halloween. You weren't going trick or treating, but you wanted to be in costume for the trick or treaters that came by your house.

When it got later though, you guys decided to watch a scary movie. Well... You had decided that. Riker was nervous.

You knew he got scared easily, and didn't usually make him watch scary movies, but it was Halloween! How could you not watch something scary tonight?

So you made popcorn, and curled up on the couch with Riker.

Every so often, Riker would tense up next to you, and cover his eyes with the blanket you guys were under.

"How much longer is the movie?" Riker whispered, shaking a little.

"I don't know. We must be more than halfway through by now."

"I hate this."

He rested his head on your shoulder, and scooched closer to you.


The movie had ended. Riker screamed once towards the end, and you knew he was a bit embarrassed about it. But he got scared so easily with horror movies. There wasn't much you could do other than hold him close.

You guys were about to head up to bed when you heard a knock on your door. You figured it was a trick or treater, but it was a bit late for someone to still be out.

You grabbed the bowl of candy, and headed towards the door. You opened it, but there was nobody there. So you looked outside, and when you found nobody, you shut the door.

You put the candy bowl back in the kitchen. And then you heard the knock again.

You went back to the door, and opened it.


You shut the door, and stood there for a minute, wondering if you had imagined it.



He was upstairs. So it definitely wasn't him.


You locked the door, and headed upstairs. You changed into your pjs, and crawled into bed next to Riker. He pulled you close in his arms, and held you tight.

And then you heard the knock again.

"Rik, did you hear that?"


"I keep hearing someone knocking on the front door," you say, pulling out of his arms so you could sit up.

"Trick or treaters?"

"I don't know. Can you come with me, please?"

Riker sat up and then got out of bed. You took his hand, and you both walked downstairs together. You unlocked the door and opened it.

Still nobody.

So you closed the door and locked it again.

You and Riker walked back to the stairs when there was yet another knock.

"Please tell me you heard it this time," you whispered.

"I did," he whispered back.

You both snuck over to the door, and looked out the window next to it. Since it was dark downstairs, you would be able to look outside without being seen. But you still didn't see anyone.

You were about to go back upstairs when there was another knock. But it was louder this time, and made both you and Riker jump.

Riker unlocked the door and opened it, making sure you were behind him so he could protect you. You knew he was scared, and could see him shaking a little.

He cautiously stepped outside, and you followed, looking around to see if someone was ding dong ditching you.


You didn't even see what happened. Next thing you knew, you were on the ground, and Riker was sprawled out on top of you.

You pushed Riker off, and saw Rocky and Ross standing there, laughing.

"Not funny you guys!" Riker said, sitting up.

"Where were you hiding?" You asked.

"Behind the bushes," Ross said.

Riker stood up, and crossed his arms, not amused.

"I've literally had such a scary night, and then you guys come along and make me paranoid that someone is going to murder us!" Riker shouts.

"Just keeping you on your toes, big bro," Rocky says, still laughing a little bit.

Riker rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to bed," Riker says, taking your hand.

"Well happy Halloween!" Ross says.

Riker doesn't answer, pulls you inside, and slams the door. He locks it, and then you both walk upstairs together.

"We're leaving the hall light on tonight. Cool?" Riker asks.

"Still scared?"

"It's not my fault I get scared!"

"I know, Rik. That's why everyone likes teasing you."

"Well I wish they wouldn't. Especially by hiding outside on Halloween."

He turns the hall light on, and your bedroom light off. He crawls into bed, and pulls you into his arms tightly, like he's protecting you.

"Love you, Rik."

"Love you too, but it's going to be a long time before we watch another scary movie, got it?"

"Ok. Fine."


"Night, Riker. Happy Halloween."

"You know, I really don't care for this holiday this year."

You laugh a little, and cuddle into him.

"And if you even try scaring me in the middle of the night, be prepared that I'm going to think you're a murderer or something and try to kill you. So don't you dare even think about it."

"I won't, Rik. I'm sorry you got so scared tonight."

He sighs, but stays silent. And you both fall asleep in each others arms.

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