27 : He begs you to stay after a fight

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27 - He begs you to stay after a fight

"Fine, then I'll leave!" You scream.

The room goes silent. You and Riker are both staring at each other, breathing hard. You've been having a screaming match for about a half hour now.

You turn, and start heading for the door.

"Wait. Please don't leave," Riker says, following you.

You spin around to face him.

"Why should I? You didn't seem to care what I did 20 minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry. Really sorry."

"Why didn't you say it before? You know I can't handle these fights, Riker. I'm done arguing. I can't do it anymore. I'm going home."

"Please wait! I know, and I'm so sorry! I hate it too. Can we try talking it out?"

"Riker, it's just going to turn into screaming again."

"Then can we change the subject and talk about it some other time? I don't want you to go. I love you. And I'm sorry."


You want to be mad at him. But he comes over slowly, and wraps his arms gently around you. You rest your head on his chest, and listen to his heart, which is racing. You know he's scared for you to leave. He's scared of losing you.

"Fine, I'll stay."

Riker sighs in relief, and holds you tighter in his arms.

"I really am sorry. I don't like fighting. Thank you for staying," he says, quietly.

His heartbeat slows down. You pull away from him.

"So... How about we just go up to bed, and watch a movie?" Riker asks.

"I guess so."

He smiles a little, puts his arm around you, and leads you upstairs to his room. You climb into his bed next to him, and fall asleep halfway through the movie.

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