96 : Knocked off stage

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96 - Knocked off stage

You were hanging out by the side of the stage during one of R5's concerts like usual, since you were Riker's girlfriend.   

Somehow you never get tired of their songs.

You were paying more attention to the crowd than you were to Riker. You loved reading the signs people brought.

All of a sudden you see Ross jump into Riker, which knocks him off balance and off the edge of the stage beside you. 

Ross tries to see if Riker's ok, but his dad makes him go back out on stage. You kneel down beside him on the ground. The only good thing is he fell behind the curtain backstage, so the crowd didn't really see him fall.

"Riker, you ok?" You ask.



"I fell really weird because I was trying not to break my bass."

Mark comes over and takes Riker's bass from him. You help Riker sit up.

"What hurts?" You ask.

"My ankle. I think I twisted it or sprained it or something. I landed on it really hard."

"What was Ross even doing?"

"I don't know. I don't know why he just jumped into me like that."

Riker unties his shoe and pulls up the bottom of his jeans so you can see his ankle. It already looks swollen.

Riker looks back towards the stage where the concert is continuing without him. And he tries to stand up.

"Riker, don't," you say, grabbing his hand.


"You're hurt."

Mark comes over and sits on the floor across from both of you.

"Let me see," Mark says.

Riker lets him see his ankle.

"I'm going to get you some ice. You're not finishing the concert. Don't get any ideas."


"No, Riker."

Mark leaves to go get some ice. Riker turns to look at the stage again. And then he starts crawling towards the stage.

"Riker, you're going to get in trouble."

You grab his shirt and pull him back.

"I just want to finish it," Riker whines.

"You have another concert in a few days. It'll be fine if you miss the end of this one."

"I know. But I don't want to..."

Mark comes back with some ice and hands it to Riker. He puts it on his ankle, but he can't stop looking at the stage.

"Why is this bothering you so much?" You ask.

"I just want to be out there. It's my favorite thing."

"You'll be back out there once your ankle is better."


After the concert, Rocky has to help Riker hop all the way to the car. He convinced you to stay the night by saying his ankle hurt, which you knew was true. So you agreed.

Rocky ended up carrying Riker up to his room because he wasn't going to be able to go up the stairs on only one foot.

You helped Riker get changed for bed and he let you borrow some of his clothes. 

Before bed, Mark brought Riker some more ice and he wrapped his ankle.

And then Ross came in.

"Riker, I'm really sorry," he says, sitting on the end of Riker's bed.

"Why did you do it?" Riker asks.

"I just thought it would be funny. I didn't think I was going to knock you over. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

"I know. But you need to remember that even though you're my little brother, you're like the same size as me now."

"I know. I'm sorry, Riker."

Ross hugs Riker and then leaves. Riker sighs, lays down, and wraps his arms around you tight. 

"Do you feel better now?" You ask.

"Yeah. I mean it kind of sucks that I missed the end of the concert. But it was only a few songs. And thanks for taking care of me and staying with me."

You kiss him, making him smile.

"Goodnight, Riker."

"Goodnight," he says, burying his face in your side.

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