56 : New Year's

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56 - New Year's     

Riker took you to a New Year's Eve party last night. It was super fun. Riker kissed you at midnight and it felt magical.

And then things started to go south...

You were getting really tired, and you wanted to go home. But Riker wanted to stay and party. Since he was your ride, you were kind of stuck waiting until he felt like going back home.

You lost track of Riker because he kept wandering off.

Rydel was at the party too, so you went to go hang out with her. She was in a similar situation as you. She was getting tired, but Ellington wanted to stay.

So you guys found a place to sit and wait for your boyfriends to be ready to leave.

And by the time Riker was ready to leave, he was drunk.

You were sort of annoyed with him, just because he wanted to stay so late, and now he can't even drive. You're super tired, and don't feel like driving, but obviously since Riker's drunk, you have to.

So you drive him back to his place. He can't even walk straight, so you have to help him with practically everything.

And going up the stairs to his bedroom was a challenge. You almost didn't think you'd make it.

Getting him changed into his pjs was another challenge. It's not that he was too drunk to comprehend that you were trying to get him into pajamas, but he just kept trying to wrap his arms around you and kiss you. Normally you'd like that, but drunk Riker was exactly too appealing.

"Riker, stop. Come on. We're almost done. We just have to get your shirt on."

"No, I just want to cuddle with you," he said, struggling with you.

You manage to get a shirt on him, and then you push him onto his bed, which of course he thinks is the funniest thing ever.

You slide into bed beside him so you can keep an eye on him.

And thankfully, after insisting that he needed to have his arms around you super tight, you agreed, and he fell asleep.

The next day...

You got up way before Riker. He always needs his sleep after getting drunk.

You were in his kitchen when he came walking in with his hands pressed to his forehead.

"Morning, Rik."

"Don't talk," he whispered.

"You ok?" You whispered back.

"Head hurts."

"You and your hangovers..."

You get some medicine for him, and make him go lay back down in bed.

You take care of him all day, and help him feel better. And a little while later, he's finally feeling better enough for you to talk without whispering.

"I know you're not feeling all the way better, but do you have any New Year's resolutions?"

"Uh... Maybe be a more responsible boyfriend and not get so drunk at the next party I go to. I'm sorry for making you stay so late and take care of me. But I really appreciate it."

He puts his arm around you, and kisses you.

"It's ok, Riker. As long as you're going to try harder next time. It's ok."

"Thanks for not being mad."

"Well it wouldn't be good to start of the New Year with a fight."

"Very true. Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, Riker."

He kissed you again, finally starting the New Year off right.

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