49 - You hurt Riker
It was a really nice day out, so Riker wanted to go hang out at the park. He invited you to come with him and his siblings. They wanted to play baseball.
He drove you there, and you all picked teams. Somehow, you ended up on the opposite team of Riker. But that was ok. You were competitive, and you wanted to beat him. He was always bragging about how good he was, and you wanted to show him that just because you're a girl, doesn't mean you're not good at baseball too.
It was your turn to bat, so you took the bat from Ross, and stepped up to the plate.
Riker was pitching, and he smirked at you. He can be so cocky sometimes.
He threw the ball. You swung, and missed.
Riker got the ball, and threw it again. You swung and missed, yet again.
"One more strike, and you're out!" Riker shouted.
He threw the ball. You swung the bat really hard, and watched it go flying back at Riker's face. You were about to take off running when you saw Riker fall over, crying out in pain.
Everyone rushed over to him. You'd hit him perfectly in the eye, and it was starting to bruise already.
"Riker, I'm so sorry," you say, kneeling down next to him.
"No, it's ok. I wasn't paying very close attention. I thought you were going to miss again..."
You help him stand up again.
"Does it hurt?" Rydel asks.
"Yeah. I think I'm going to sit the rest of the game out."
"Riker, there's a gas station just down the road. I can get you some ice if you want," you say, walking with him over to the bench.
"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll come with you."
"Are you sure?"
He takes your hand, and intertwines your fingers with his as you both walk down the sidewalk. You get to the gas station after about 5 minutes, and get some ice for Riker. And then you both walk back to the park.
"Seriously, Riker. I'm really sorry."
"It's ok. It was an accident."
You sit next to him on the bench, and he puts his arm around you.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Kiss me?"
You smile, and kiss his soft lips.