82 : Hospital

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A/N : Inspired by me almost needing to go to the hospital for a kidney infection because of kidney stones...

82 - Hospital

You're at a restaurant, waiting for Riker to show up. He said he'd meet you here after rehearsal, and he's 20 minutes late. You tried texting him, but go no response back. He's probably just stuck in rehearsal. They're not supposed to be on their phones, so that's probably why he hasn't responded yet, but it's still annoying, standing outside the restaurant.

And then your phone rings. It's Riker!

"Hello?" You answer.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, but I'm sort of in the hospital."

"You're where!?"

"In the hospital?"


"Well... We were practicing outside at the place we're playing at tomorrow and I passed out. I don't remember it. But Ross said I hit my head really hard on one of the speakers. But it's ok because my bass is fine."

"Your bass is fine? What about you!?"

"I'm probably fine. They're running a bunch of tests on me right now. But they think I passed out because I got too hot. I mean, we were rehearsing for over an hour with the sun beating down on us. And you know how much I jump around and stuff."

"I thought you drank a lot of water to stay hydrated and stuff."

"I do. But I guess I just got too hot. I'm fine. Seriously."

"What about your head? You said you hit it."

"It doesn't even hurt. They're checking to see if I have a concussion, but they don't think so. Really. I'm fine."

"Ok... Well should I come to the hospital? When do you think they'll let you leave?"

"Hold on, my doctor just came in..."

You wait on the phone for about 5 minutes and then you hear Riker's voice again.

"I don't have a concussion and they said I could go. Meet you at the restaurant?"

"Riker, you probably passed out from heatstroke. Don't you want to go home and rest?"

"I feel fine. I'm hungry. I want to have our dinner date."

"Ok. Then I'll see you at the restaurant. Just be careful driving here."

"Rocky is driving me. Don't worry. See you soon!"

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