45 : Bad dream

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45 - Bad dream

You can't sleep. Riker asked you to sleep over, and he's the one preventing you from sleeping. 

Ever since you guys had laid down to go to bed, he's done things to keep you up. At first, he couldn't seem to get comfortable, and he kept moving around. Then he started snoring. It wasn't that loud, but your brain was used to a quiet room when you went to sleep, so it wasn't helping.

Now, he was mumbling in his sleep. And he seemed to be getting louder and louder.

"No, don't..."

He moved a little bit.


You sat up, realizing you weren't getting any sleep anytime soon.

"No, please! Don't..."

You looked at your boyfriend, Riker. He had a weird expression on his face, kind of like he was having a bad dream.


You can't sleep, and you're guessing he's having a bad dream. So maybe if you wake him up, that will solve both problems.


You shake his shoulder a little bit.

"No! Stop!"

"Riker, wake up."

"No! AH!"

He sits straight up, and starts panting.

"Rik, you ok?"

"Oh my god... My heart is racing..."

You pull Riker into a hug.

"Sorry... Did I wake you up?" He asks, hugging you back.

"Yeah... Well I actually never went to sleep. You kept me up."

"I'm so sorry... Was it the snoring?"

"A little..."


"It's ok. I'm just really tired."

"Well I'm wide awake now. Maybe you could try falling asleep before me."

"That's a good idea."

"But I'm still kind of freaked out from my dream. So maybe you could cuddle with me?"

"Sure, Rik. What was your dream about?"

"I was getting chased by pirates, and they kept trying to swing at me with their swords."

You laugh a little bit.

"Not funny."

"Sorry... But it kind of is."

Riker pulls away, and pouts.

"Aw, come on. Let's lay down. I'll cuddle with you and make you feel better."

Riker lays down, and pulls you into his arms. 

"Night, Riker."



"I need my goodnight kiss."

"I gave you one like an hour ago."

"I need another one."

You roll your eyes and kiss him again.

"Ok, now you can go to sleep," Riker says, smiling.

"Ok. Night."

"Night, babe..."

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