91 : Migraine

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91 - Migraine 

You've been hanging out with Riker all day at his house. He'd invited you over because they were having a pool party. When you first got there, he was doing tons of tricks and dives and having a good time. But you noticed as the day went by, he became significantly less energetic and he was just sitting on the edge of the pool now.

You'd been in the kitchen, helping Rydel with some food. When you were done, you went back outside and sat down on the edge of the pool beside Riker.

"You ok?" You ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"You don't usually sit on the edge of the pool. You're usually in the pool playing games with your siblings."

"Oh... My head just kind of hurts. I got water up my nose earlier and my head has kind of hurt ever since. But it's getting worse."

"Are you ok? Do you want some medicine or something?"

"Yeah, I think maybe I should take something before it gets worse."

You and Riker go inside and he takes some pain medicine. He's about to go back outside when he pauses instead.

"What?" You ask.

"They're really loud out there."

"We can go sit somewhere further away and then they won't be so loud, ok?"


You and Riker both go back outside and sit down in the grass. Riker's backyard isn't very big though, so his siblings are still kind of loud even though you're not next to the pool anymore.

Riker lays down in the grass and lays his arm over his eyes.

"Riker, are you going to be ok?"

"It just really hurts... Why would it hurt from pool water?"

"I don't know. Maybe the chemicals in the water, like the chlorine caused it or something. How'd you get water up your nose anyway?"

"Rocky pushed me in the pool, so I wasn't holding my breath."

You take his other hand and rub the top of his hand with your thumb.

"Kids! Dinner!" Stormie yelled.

Riker covered his ears and closed his eyes tight.

"Come on. Maybe eating will make you feel better."

You give him your hand and pull him up. You walk over to the table that's out here and sit down next to each other. His dad had barbecued dinner and it smelled amazing.

Riker ate a few bites of food but then he laid his head down on the table. You didn't know if it was from the food, the pain, or his siblings being really loud.

"Riker, what's wrong?" His mom asks.

"My head really hurts," he mumbles.

"You should take something."

"I already did."

"Kids, quiet down. Your brother's in pain."

You put your hand on his back and rub slow circles into it.

After you finish dinner, you pull Riker up from the table and lead him inside his house.

"How's your head now?"


"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I know, but I don't like seeing you in pain. Do you want to go lay on the couch and watch something?"

"Yeah, maybe that would help."

You go over to the living room and sit down on the couch. Riker puts a movie on and then lays down with his head in your lap.

You gently run your fingers through his blonde hair, which is kind of messy because he was swimming earlier.

After a little while, you can feel that Riker's body is less tense.



"How are you feeling now?"

"A little better. I think I just needed to lay down and close my eyes for a little while. My head is still like pounding. But now I don't feel nauseous from it. So that's good."

"Is that why you didn't eat much at dinner?"

"Yeah. I felt nauseous."

You start rubbing his back again and Riker sighs.

"Your family is making smores out there. Did you want to join?"

"Mmmm... I don't know. I don't want them to be loud and make my head hurt worse."

"Do you want a smore?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"I'll text Rydel to make us some. We can eat them in here where it's quieter. How about that?"

"That sounds perfect."

You text Rydel and a few minutes later, she comes in with 2 smores. You take one and give the other one to Riker. He sits up to eat it.

"I'm glad your appetite is back."

"This is really good."

When he finishes his smore, he goes back to laying down with his head in your lap.

"How's your head now?"

"Getting better. But I think I want to hang out in here for the rest of the night. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, of course, Riker. Whatever would make you feel better."

"Thank you."

You and Riker hang out on the couch until his family eventually comes in. By that time, his headache was almost completely gone. But he convinced you to stay the night, just in case it got worse again. But you knew that was just an excuse to get you to spend the night. You gladly agreed and spent the rest of the night cuddling with Riker.

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