19 : Roller coaster

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19 - Roller coaster

"No, how about we go on something else?" Riker asks, trying to drag you away.

"No. You told me this morning that you'd go on a roller coaster with me. So that's what we're doing," you say, dragging him back over to the line for the roller coaster.

"Wait! Um... I think I need to use the bathroom first."

You give him a look, but he won't meet your eyes.

"Quit your lying. You agreed to this."

"I know, but that was before I saw how big this thing was."

"Riker, we'll be fine. Roller coasters are awesome."

"I disagree."

"Well it doesn't matter because you're going on one anyway."

You wait in line with Riker, who can't stop fidgeting. You know he does that when he's nervous. And you know he doesn't like roller coasters.

Riker doesn't say anything else, and he just stands next to you silently. You know he's becoming very anxious inside.

"Rik, don't worry about it. Just try to have fun," you say, taking his hand, and intertwining your fingers with his.

"They're not fun," he says, just above a whisper.

"Riker, don't tell me you're going to cry."

"No, I just really don't want to do this," he says, his voice cracking.

"Riker, I promise you, you're going to be fine. And I'll be right there next to you."

"But it goes upside down, and it's scary," he says, quietly.

"You won't get hurt. I promise."

He bites his lip, and stares down at the ground. It's almost dark out, and you know he's going to be even more scared because he can't see much while on the roller coaster. You guys have been at the amusement park all day. And he'd been avoiding the roller coaster.

You wait a little longer, and Riker stays completely silent. You finally get to the front of the line.

You get strapped into the roller coaster, and make sure Riker is strapped in too. You can see his chest rising and falling quickly. He's nervous, and you know it.

You take his hand while other people get on too. You and Riker are sitting in the very front seat.

"I don't think I can do this!" Riker says, suddenly.

"Riker, just stay calm. Take a few deep breaths. I'm right here."


You grab his hand, and he squeezes it tightly.

The ride finally starts moving, and you're going up a hill slowly. You know Riker is anticipating the big drop because he keeps squeezing your hand harder and harder.

You finally get to the top, and start flying down the track. You can hear Riker next to you, screaming like a girl, and you can't help but smile.

He goes silent again, and the roller coaster takes you upside down. Finally, it brings you back to the beginning.

You help Riker get off. He looks completely pale, and his legs are shaking, which is making it sort of funny to watch him try to walk.

He stumbles back down to solid ground with you right next to him.

"So what'd you think?" You ask.



"I don't feel good. That upside down part messed up my stomach."

"Are you going to throw up?"

"No, I just don't feel good. Can we go home now!? I think I deserve a night of cuddles after you just put me through that torture."

"Fine, let's go."

You and Riker head back to his place, and you cuddle with him until he feels better again.

Riker Lynch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now