63 : Ex best friends

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A/N : Imagine for @niallforever15

63 - Ex best friends


"Stay away from Riker, or else!" Riker's girlfriend yelled at me.

"We're just friends-"

"I don't care. Stay away from him. He's mine."

End of flashback

You go over to the Lynch's house. Ever since Riker started dating his latest girlfriend, you've been hanging out with Ross instead.

You knock on the door, and Ross answers it.

"Hey!" He says, hugging you.


You follow him inside, and see Riker in the living room, kissing his girlfriend. You roll your eyes, and follow Ross into the kitchen.

"So... I've been thinking..." Ross says.


"Riker and his girlfriend. Nobody likes her. She's really obnoxious and I don't know what Riker sees in her. So I had this idea... We could pretend to date to make Riker jealous. You guys would be so perfect together anyway."

"Ross, I don't want him to break up with his girlfriend if he's happy."

"But nobody likes her! Rocky nearly got into a fight with her yesterday! She was being downright rude!"



"He's going to hate us for dating."

"No, he won't. He'll realize that he's meant to be with you. Come on. Let's at least give it a shot."

"Ok, fine..."

A few days later...

R5 has an interview today, and Ross wants to bring you on it to announce that you're his girlfriend.

You're backstage with Ross right now. The interview starts in about 10 minutes.

"So... I just want to warn you, Riker broke up with his girlfriend this morning, so he's a bit grumpy. He's been sort of giving me the cold shoulder lately, so I think he might be a bit mad at us," Ross says, putting his arm around you.

"He's mad?"

"I'm pretty sure it's just jealousy."

You sigh. You never wanted to make him mad. This was all Ross's idea in the first place.

"R5 on set in 5!" Some yells.

"Come on. Let's go," Ross says.

He takes your hand, and leads you out. There are two couches, and you guys sit down next to each other on one of them. Ross puts his arm around you.

The other members make their way out too. Rocky sits next to Ross. Ellington and Rydel sit next to each other on the other couch. And Riker sits next to Rydel.

Riker's directly across from you and Ross, and you can practically feel his glare. You lay your head on Ross's shoulder, but you feel awful inside.

The interview starts, and right away, the interviewer asks Ross who you are. He introduces you as his girlfriend, and you can see Riker getting annoyed.

The interview goes pretty smoothly, although you can tell Riker has a bit of an attitude now.

When the interview ends, you and Ross get up. He puts his arm around you as you walk back to his dressing room.


You both stop and turn around. Riker is walking towards you guys, and you get nervous.

"Is this some kind of a joke or something!?" Riker shouts.

"What are you talking about?" Ross asks.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

Riker lunges forward at Ross, so you quickly get between them and push them apart.

Riker's face is completely red, and he's panting. You're sure he's going to say something, but then he turns around and storms away.

"We shouldn't have done this," you say, sighing.

"I'm sorry... I'm sure he'll cool off. He's just been in a bad mood all day."


You're at your hotel room for the night. You change into your pjs and then climb into bed beside Ross. You've been thinking about Riker all day. He seems absolutely furious.

"Hey. You ok?" Ross asks.

"I'm sorry... I just can't stop thinking about-"

"Riker? Yeah, I've noticed. Go talk to him."


"Yeah. Knowing him, he'll still be awake."

"He'll be mad at me."

"No, he won't. He could never be mad at you. He's mad at me."


"Because... I know he likes you. And as his brother, I shouldn't have dated you, knowing that."

You sigh.

"Go get your guy."

You take a deep breath, and leave the hotel room. You walk down the hall to Riker's room, and knock a few times. Your heart is pounding in your chest because what if Ross is wrong? What if Riker hates you?

The door opens, and Riker looks super confused.

"What are you doing here?" Riker asks.

"Ross and I aren't dating. Ross said we should pretend to date to make you jealous, and I know we shouldn't have, and I'm sorry-"

He cuts you off by kissing you.

"I love you. So much," Riker says, holding both your hands in his.

"I love you too, Rik."


You guys turn to look out the door, and Ross is standing there in the hall, smiling.

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