88 : Thanksgiving

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A/N : In honor of Thanksgiving today...

Chapter 88

You're supposed to go to Riker's house later for Thanksgiving dinner. You're in the middle of getting dressed when you get a call from Riker.


"Hey. Can you possibly come over earlier?"

"Uh... Ok. How early?"

"Like now?"

"Ok. Why though?"

"My family is just stressing me out. I'll explain when you get there."

"Ok. See you in a little while."

You hang up and finish getting dressed. You do your hair and makeup and then head over to Riker's house. Before you even ring the doorbell, you can hear a bunch of chaos from inside.

"Move! I was here first!"

"Well I was in the kitchen first!"

You ring the doorbell and Riker opens it.

"No! That butter is mine! I need it for my recipe!" Rydel shouts.

"Do you hear the chaos?" Riker asks, taking your hand and pulling you inside. 

You both sit down in the living room. Mark is the only other person in there. You're assuming everyone else is in the kitchen, fighting over pots and pans.

"They have all been arguing in the kitchen since this morning," Riker says.

"Over what?" You ask.

"Over who gets to make what, they're fighting over space, just like anything it's possible to fight over, they're fighting over."

"You didn't want to try to cook something with them?" You ask.

"Absolutely not."

"When does everybody else get here?"

"In like 2 hours. We have to endure 2 more hours of madness."

"What have you been doing all morning then if you haven't been helping in the kitchen?"

"Well... My mom asked me to vacuum so I vacuumed the whole house. And now I'm just tired."

"Dad! Something is on fire in the oven!" Ross shouts.

Marks gets up and runs into the kitchen. Riker is about to get up, but you grab his hand and make him stay on the couch.

"Your dad will handle it. Just relax. I can tell you're tired and stressed out."

"It's not my fault! The recipe said 400 degrees for 20 minutes!" Ryland says.

"No, the recipe says 325 degrees for 15 minutes," Ross says.

"Can you imagine if they burnt the whole house down on Thanksgiving?" Riker asks.

"No. I can't believe how crazy it is in the kitchen," you say.

A few minutes later, Mark comes back into the living room, sits down, and sighs.

"Did you put the fire out?" Riker asks.

"Yeah. We might not have any dessert tonight though," Mark says. 

"It's ok. I think the G's are bringing something for dessert," Riker says.

"Who's coming to Thanksgiving tonight?" You ask.

"My cousins the G's obviously, and a couple of our friends. I think you know some of Rydel's friends, Kyla and Soph, and their parents."


"You said I could make the pie!" Ryland shouts.

"Well you almost burnt the house down, so now I'm making it!" Rydel says.

Riker rolls his eyes.

"Sometimes I can't stand them," he mumbles.

Mark puts a football game on the tv. You just cuddle into Riker's side, listening to all the noise still coming from the kitchen.

"I know all I've done since you got here is complain about stuff and I'm supposed to be thankful since it's Thanksgiving. But I'm thankful for you. And I'm really glad you came over today."

"I'm thankful for you too, Riker," you say, giving him a kiss.

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