90 : Dentist

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A/N : Inspired by me going to the dentist and freaking out for 30 minutes because they messed up my appointment time and now I have to sit here and anticipate getting a cavity filled for 30 minutes. This isn't even that long of an imagine. It's more of just a short drabble, but thought you guys would enjoy anyway.

90 - Dentist

You were taking Riker to the dentist today to get a cavity filled. You could tell he was anxious because he barely said a word when you picked him up.

"Rikes, you ok?" You ask.

"Just nervous."

"Why? You know they're going to numb you and everything right? You're not going to be in any pain or anything."

"I just hate the noises, you know? Like the drilling noises. I feel like it vibrates through my whole brain."

"I know it's not fun, but you'll be fine. You've gotten cavities filled before."

"I know. I just hate it."

"I don't blame you. I think everybody does."

You finally get to the dentist, but Riker doesn't get out of the car.



"You going in?"

"I need a minute."

You put your hand on his back and rub slow circles into it.

"You'll do fine, Riker. And I'll be waiting for you right here when you get out."


He gets out and goes inside. Now you just have to wait.


You finally see Riker come back out. He walks over and gets in your car.

"How was it?" You ask.

"Well I mean, it wasn't fun. But it wasn't the worst thing in the world either. And they gave me a free toothbrush."

"Nice! Did anything hurt at all?"

"Nope. It was fine. Honestly, the worst part was just listening to the drilling noises. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me."

"I think a lot of people feel the same way. Is your face numb?"

"A little. My jaw feels kind of sore though."

"How about we go back to your house and just have a movie marathon day. And we can eat ice cream. It might make your mouth feel better."

"I like that idea."

You drove Riker back to his house. And then you went to his kitchen to get some ice cream while Riker went to get blankets and pick out a movie.

You scoop ice cream into 2 bowls and then go sit next to Riker on the couch. He spreads a blanket out over both of you. You hand him his bowl of ice cream and he hits play on the movie.

"There's also popsicles if your mouth is still sore later," you say.

"Sounds good."

He snuggles into your side while eating his ice cream. You're just glad he wasn't too scared and you were able to distract him from the pain by watching movies all day.

A/N : My dentist appointment was fine. Apparently my cavity was super small and it legitimately took my dentist like 3 minutes to fix it. I almost passed out when he gave me novocane though. My body is not a fan of novocane and freaks out. Ended up all good though!

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