24 : Riker gets hurt

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24 - Riker gets hurt

Riker's family was going to be out of town this weekend, so he invited you to come stay the weekend with him. You knew he loved you since you were his girlfriend, but you also knew he was a little scared to be home alone for the whole weekend.

You had a key to his house, and Riker told you to let yourself in. He was going to be setting up a mini date night.

You get to his house, and unlock the door. You lock it again because you know Riker gets scared about people breaking in.

All of a sudden, you hear a crash from upstairs, and Riker cries out in pain.

You start running up the stairs, and find him on the floor in his bedroom. There is stuff spilling out of his closet, and half of it is on top of him.

"Riker, are you ok!?"

He has his eyes shut tight.

"No!" He says, starting to cry.

You quickly move everything off of him.

"What hurts?" You ask.

"My back!"

"Try to sit up."

You sit next to him, and put your hand behind him.


He gives up, and just lays there.

"Riker, what happened?"

"I-I was t-trying to get s-something down from m-my closet... A-and the top s-shelf fell down."

"Alright, well I want you to try sitting up again. Go really slow."

He wipes his cheeks, and tries to sit up. You're doing most of the work supporting him. But you eventually get him into a sitting position.

"Feel any better?" You ask.


He's clearly in a lot of pain. There are tears going down his cheeks, and he keeps wincing every time he moves a little.

You pull his shirt off of him, and look at his back.

"Rik, there's no marks or anything."

"I just fell really hard..."

"Do you think you can stand?"

"I-I'm not sure."

You put your hands under his arms, and help him get to his feet. He sits down on his bed, and presses his hands to his back, trying to ease the pain.

"Here, I'll go get you some ice."

You go downstairs to the kitchen, finding the table set perfectly for your date tonight. You grab some ice from the freezer, and bring it upstairs.

"Lay down on your stomach."

Riker lays down, and you put the ice on his back. He starts shivering after a few minutes. You move the ice around a little.

"How does it feel now?" You ask.

"Still hurts..."

You start giving him a massage, and you notice him finally relaxing.

"Ok, now how do you feel?"

"A bit better... Thanks... So um... That date tonight... I set the table downstairs. Can you help me walk so I don't fall down the stairs?"

"Of course."

You give Riker some support as you walk down the stairs with him. You help him sit down in a chair, and you enjoy your lovely date night.

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