38 - Stuck in a tree
You and your boyfriend Riker are playing with a frisbee in the park. Riker is being all goofy, making up all these weird moves and techniques that look absolutely ridiculous.
"Riker, the sun is going down. Your mom said dinner was going to be ready about now," you say, throwing the frisbee back to him.
"But this is more fun," he whines, catching the frisbee.
"Well I'm hungry. Can we go please?"
"Fine. One more throw! I'll make this one the best one yet!"
You roll your eyes at him.
"I call this one the spin of death."
He spins around a bunch of times, and then lets go of the frisbee. It doesn't go anywhere near you.
"Whoa," Riker says, falling over in the grass.
You laugh at him. He's crazy.
"Did you catch it?" Riker yells, still laying on the ground.
"Uh... Riker, it didn't even come anywhere close to me."
"Oh... Oops!"
You walk over to him, and pull him up.
"Where is it?" Riker asks.
"Over there. In the tree."
Riker looks where you're pointing.
"Ugh! So much work!" He says, walking off towards it.
You laugh at him. He can be such a child sometimes.
"I... can't... reach!" Riker says, jumping.
"Well then climb up there and get it."
"Why don't you climb up there and get it?"
"I'm not the one who threw it."
"Fair point..."
Riker grabs a branch, and pulls himself up into the tree. He climbs on the branches until he gets to the frisbee.
He drops it down to you.
"Ok, I'm coming down! AH!"
Riker slips, but doesn't fall. He's dangling in the tree.
"Ow! The back of my jeans are caught!" Riker whines.
You start laughing as Riker squirms.
"Stop laughing! Help me! I'm stuck! And this really isn't comfortable!"
"I'm not climbing the tree, if that's what you want."
"Why not!?"
"I'm not wearing sneakers."
"Can you call one of my siblings?"
"I don't have my phone. It's at your house."
"Here. Take mine."
Riker drops his phone down to you.
Instead of calling someone, you take a few pictures.
"What are you doing?" Riker asks.
"Taking some pictures to remember this moment."
"Come on! This is embarrassing enough! Please just call someone to get me down!"
"You really can't get down yourself?"
"No! And the more I try, the more it hurts! Just call someone already!"
"Ok, ok, calm down."
You call Rocky.
"Rocky, your idiot brother got himself stuck in a tree, and he needs help getting out."
"How is he stuck in a tree?"
"Well he got our frisbee stuck in it, and then... I don't know what he did, but now he's stuck."
"Alright. I'll be there in 5 minutes."
You hang up, and then look at your boyfriend, dangling by his pants. You can't help but start to laugh again. Literally only Riker could get himself into a situation like this.
"Stop laughing! You're so mean to me!" He whines.
"If I were mean, would I have called your brother?"
"Is he coming?"
"Yeah, in 5 minutes."
"He better hurry."
"Or else what?"
"Or else I'm going to have no blood circulation in anything below my belly... My god, this hurts!"
"Maybe next time, you'll be a little more careful when you play frisbee."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
You see Rocky walking over to you. When he gets to you, he crosses his arms, looks up at Riker, and starts laughing.
"Rocky! Come on! Stop laughing!"
Rocky shakes his head.
"Only you," he says, starting to climb the tree.
It takes him about a minute to get to where Riker is.
"Wow, the branch actually stabbed a hole in your jeans."
"Ok, I really don't care, Rocky. Just get me down," Riker says, annoyed.
"Stop with the attitude. I could just leave you, you know."
"Rocky, no!"
Rocky laughs, clearly enjoying all of this.
"Alright, I'm going to pick you up. Don't do anything stupid. Oh wait..."
Rocky laughs at his own joke. Riker is just hanging in the tree, clearly frustrated and annoyed.
Rocky puts his arms under Riker's, and picks him up, lifting him off the branch he's caught on.
He sits Riker on the branch beside him. Riker is rubbing the inside of his legs, and is making a face like he's in pain.
Rocky climbs down, and Riker follows. As soon as he's on the ground, you wrap your arms around him, holding him tight.
You give him his phone back, and then start walking back to his house.
"I deleted the pictures, so ha!" Riker says.
"It's ok. I already sent them to myself!"
You start laughing and running as Riker chases after you.