72 : You comfort Riker after a fight with his family

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A/N : Request by @AradhanaVanAssche 

72 - You comfort Riker after a fight with his family

You're getting ready for bed when you hear the door slam downstairs. You know it must be Riker because he had rehearsals today, but you're confused why he slammed the door.

And then you hear loud footsteps upstairs and then another slam. You finish brushing your teeth and then walk out to find your bedroom door shut.

"Rik?" You ask, knocking on the door.

"I don't want to talk."

You try the doorknob, and it's unlocked. You open the door and find Riker sitting on the bed.

"What happened?" You ask, walking over to him.

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" Riker says, his voice cracking.

Tears fill his eyes and he starts to cry.

"Aw, Riker."

You sit down beside him and pull him into a hug. He breaks down even more.

"Did something happen at rehearsal?" You ask.


He clings onto you tighter.

"Calm down so you can tell me."

He takes some deep breaths and calms down.

"So... Ross was really late to rehearsals. And he didn't even have a good reason for it. And when he finally got there, we tried practicing, but we'd gone over a bunch of stuff before he came, so he kept messing us up because he didn't know. And I was really annoyed because dad was there and he didn't even yell at him! I would've gotten yelled at if I was late! He wasted everyone's time! So then we took a 5 minute break to get water and stuff. And Ross started asking questions about the stuff he missed, so I was like, well you'd know if you were actually here on time. And he yelled at me to shut up. So I left, and my dad's probably going to kill me for it."

"Aw... Maybe he was just having a bad day, Riker."

"I don't care. He didn't care about being late or how he was acting. So I don't care if he was having a bad day."

"You guys almost never fight."

"I know! That's why it's making me so upset!"

All of a sudden, Riker gets a text.

"I don't want to read it," he says, passing his phone to you.

"It's your sister. She said that they finished rehearsals and your dad gave Ross a really stern talk afterwards. And he's not mad at you for leaving."

Riker pulls away from you and lays down.

"Well good, but I'm still upset about the whole thing..." He mumbles.

You get under the covers beside him.

"I'm sure things will be back to normal by the next time you see him."

You shut off the light while Riker curls into your side.

"Are you going to be ok? Did you want to talk about anything else?"

"No. I just want to sleep and cuddle."

"Ok, Rik."

You put your arm around him, trying to make him feel better. You know he rarely ever has fights with his family, so you can understand why this is upsetting him so much. You're just hoping he'll feel better by tomorrow.

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