50 : He's concerned about his acne

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50 - He's concerned about his acne

"Riker, we're going to be late to the restaurant!" You call from his room.

Riker said he was going to fix his hair, and he'd be out of the bathroom, and ready to go for your date tonight.


You walk down the hall to the bathroom. The door is open, and Riker is 5 inches from the mirror, staring at his face.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Riker jumps back, obviously startled.


"No, really. What?"

"Well... I was just thinking maybe we could cancel..."

"Cancel our date? Why?"

"Because... My face is breaking out really bad, ok?"

You look at him, and he gets this embarrassed look on his face.


"I'm sorry!"

"It's ok. Chill," you say, laughing a little bit.

"Wait. You're not mad?"

"No. Riker, acne really isn't anything to be worried about. Everybody gets it. If it would make you feel better, we can just have our date here."

"Ok, thanks... I'm sorry... My skin just isn't being my friend today..."

"It's ok. Maybe I can help."


"Let's go to my place. We can have our date there, and I can try some things for your face."

Riker drives you to your house, and you both go up to your bathroom.

"So... First, you can try this acne cream. It should help a lot. And then I have a cleanser you can try when you wash your face. And finally... I think tonight after our date, we should have a mini spa night, and I can give you a face mask."

"A what?"

"A face mask. There's different ones for different things. Some are clay based, and others are designed to peel off your dead skin and take out the dirt and other gross stuff."

"Um... I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm going to look stupid, aren't I?"

"Well... I'll let you decide. You can either have bad skin, which you shouldn't feel bad about because it really isn't the end of the world. Or, you can let me do a bunch of things to you that might help your acne, and you can experience what girls do sometimes. The face masks might make you look a little weird while they're on, but they'll make your skin nice and clean and soft."

"Alright, fine. But we're eating dinner first! I'm really hungry."


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