30 : Riker gets scared of a spider

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30 - Riker gets scared of a spider

You're sitting on the couch with Riker, watching a movie together. He reaches over, grabs the remote, and pauses it.

"I need a bathroom break," he says, standing up.


You go on your phone while you wait for him to get back. You're looking at his latest Instagram picture when all of a sudden you hear a scream and then a crash.

You look behind you, down the hall, towards the bathroom. The door is still shut. And you can hear weird noises coming from inside.

You get up, and walk down the hall slowly, being cautious of whatever is going on in the bathroom.

Just as you're about to knock on the door, the door flies open, and Riker jumps out. He crashes into you, and sends you both flying to the floor. He's out of breath, and he looks scared.

You grab his arm, making him look at you.

"Uh... What happened in there?" You ask.

"Oh um... Well... I used the bathroom. And I was going to wash my hands. I grabbed the thing to turn on the water in the sink, and there was a spider web on it, and a spider ended up on my hand somehow. And I... sort of freaked out..."

"Where's the spider now?"

"I don't know. And that's the scariest thing ever."

Riker got up and shut the bathroom door.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Well I don't want a spider loose in the house! I'm keeping it locked in there!"

"Oh yeah? What happens when you have to go to the bathroom again?"

He sighed, not having an answer.

"And don't you think it can crawl under the door?"


He slowly opened the door, as if he was expecting someone to attack him.

He stood there, looking around.

"Help me find it," he says, quietly.

"Rik, you don't need to whisper. It doesn't speak english."

Riker cautiously steps inside, and you follow him.

And then you see it.



"Don't freak out. But I found the spider."

"Where is it?"

"On your back."


"Don't move. Let me get something to kill it with."

You run down the hallway to Riker's room. And you get one of his converse. You run back to the bathroom.

"P-please g-get it o-off!" He says, shaking.

He sounds like he's about to cry.

"Ok, stay still."

You take the shoe, and slam it over the spider on Riker's back.


"I got it!"

You remove his shoe, and see a flattened spider smushed into the back of Riker's shirt.

"You might want to take your shirt off. It has spider guts on it."

He throws the shirt over his head quickly. And then bolts out of the bathroom. You follow him. He goes back to the living room.

You sit down next to him again.

"Riker, you're shaking. Calm down. It was just a spider."

"It was not just a spider! It was a horrifying creature that has probably been plotting it's attack on me all day!"

You can't help but laugh. Riker pouts at you, not finding it funny.

"Well I killed it, so you don't have to worry."

"Yeah and you also broke my back."

"Well did you want it killed or not?"


"Well then don't complain."

You push Riker over so he's on his stomach. You give him a back massage to make him feel better and help him calm down from his traumatic incident.

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