73: Riker has a fight with his parents

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A/N : Requested by @AradhanaVanAssche 

73 - Riker has a fight with his parents


You're about to go to sleep when your phone starts ringing. It's your boyfriend, Riker. It's late, so why is he calling now?

You pick up the phone.

"Hello?" You ask.

"C-can I c-come over?" Riker says, his voice shaking.

"Um... Yeah...? What's going on?"

"I-I'll tell you w-when I g-get there..."

He hangs up. You're very confused. It's almost midnight.

You go downstairs to wait for him. Within a few minutes, you see him walk to your front door. So you let him in.

Immediately, Riker pulls you into a hug, and you feel him shaking.

"Rik, what's going on?" You ask, softly.

He starts crying.


You take his hand and bring him up to your bedroom. You lift the covers and you both get into your bed. And you pull him into your arms.

"Can you tell me what happened?" You ask again.

Riker calms down and stops crying, but you can still feel him shaking slightly.

"I just... got into a screaming match with my dad..." Riker mumbles.

"About what?"

"He was saying I need to spend more time working on R5 stuff, but I'm busy with Glee and auditions for other things! He thinks I'm slacking, but I'm spending the same amount of time on R5 as Ross is, and Ross is on Austin and Ally, and dad doesn't yell at him! And I was getting so mad because dad was saying I don't care about R5 enough, and I totally do! And he said if I don't care about R5, then maybe I shouldn't be in the band anymore."

"Aw. Riker, I'm sure he doesn't mean it."

"I don't care! I'm tired of him thinking I don't care enough about R5."

"So did you just leave?"

"Yeah, and dad yelled at me for leaving, but I don't care. I can't go back there tonight."

"It's ok. I'm sure once you both cool down, you can talk it out."

"I hope so... I don't want him to kick me out of R5."

He sighs. You know it really bothers him anytime his family fights.

You run your fingers lightly over his back, trying to make him feel better.

"Thank you for letting me come here," Riker mumbles, holding onto you, tightly.

"Of course, Rik."

You kiss his forehead and pull the covers up over you guys higher.

"Night, Riker."

"Goodnight," he says, sighing.

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