47 : Road trip

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A/N : @lmmonkey119 - inspired by something that happened a few days ago...

47 - Road trip

"How much longer?" Your boyfriend, Riker asks.

"About an hour."

"How long have we been driving?"

"About 2 and a half hours. Why?"

"Just wondering..."

Riker seems to be getting more and more restless the longer he's in the car.

"How much longer now?" Riker whines.

"55 minutes."

"That's so long..."

"Riker, go on your phone and distract yourself so you're not bored."

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I really have to pee."

"Why didn't you say something sooner? We're in the middle of nowhere, and we just passed the last rest stop for a while."

"No! Can you turn around!?"

"Riker, you can't really turn around on a highway."

He sighs, and looks out the window.

"Why didn't you just say something before?"

"Because I didn't want to make us stop, and I thought I could wait, but I drank too much coffee this morning..."

"Riker, I'm starting to think your Bulletproof addiction is getting a little crazy."

"Have you had their coffee!? It's freaking amazing!"

You roll your eyes.

"How much longer now?"

"Riker, just look at the GPS. It says 48 minutes."

Riker groans, and crosses his legs.

"Look for a gas station or something."

"I am. But there's literally just like nothing around."

"Whose idea was it to go spend the weekend in the mountains?"

"Uh... That was your idea, Riker."

"Well next time I suggest it, remind me of this moment."

"Riker, just don't drink tons of coffee next time."

"But it's so good!"

"You're ridiculous sometimes, Rik."

You keep driving and looking at the signs before every exit to see if there will be a gas station for Riker. But there's literally nothing.

"You need to find a gas station in the next 10 minutes," Riker says, moving around in his seat.

"I'm looking, Rik. But no promises."

"I need to go so bad!"

"Don't pee in my car."

All of a sudden, it starts to rain lightly.

"You've got to be kidding me! This is pure torture!" Riker whines.

"Calm down, Riker."

"I can't! I have to pee! Why are there no gas stations!?"

"I don't know."

"You need to pull over! Like right now! I can't hold it!"

You start looking for a spot to pull over. Right as you're about to, you see a sign for the next exit, that has a McDonalds.

"Can you make it to the next exit? There's a McDonalds."

"Just hurry!"

You get off the highway, and find the McDonalds. You drop Riker off at the front, and he literally runs inside.

You find a parking spot, and wait for him to come back.

About 5 minutes later, you see him come out, and he's holding something. He gets in the car, and you see he has a coffee.


"I know! But I just love coffee!"

You roll your eyes, and start driving again.

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