80 : Riker cries during a fight

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A/N : Requested by @AradhanaVanAssche   

80 - Riker cries during a fight

"I just feel like you're never here, Riker. You're always at rehearsals, or concerts, or tours, or who knows what else!"

"Sorry I'm trying to have a career!"

"You say that like I'm not trying to also do that. I'm trying to get a college degree instead of going to concerts all the time."

"I'm not going to concerts. I'm performing in them!" Riker shouts, his voice cracking.

He leans against the wall and slides down to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest, crying. So you walk over and sit down beside him.

"Riker, I'm sorry."

"I just feel like sometimes you don't take my career seriously!"

"Riker, you have it so easy compared to me. You didn't have to go to college for years and write papers and take tests. You're literally living your dream, playing music every day."

"It's not that easy! Sometimes I don't feel good and have to perform anyways. I don't always have inspiration to write music. I get exhausted on tour. It's a hard lifestyle."

"Exactly, which brings me back to my original point. I feel like you're never here. You're always doing something for R5. I miss you."

He wipes his tears and leans his head on your shoulder.

"I miss you too..."

"And you're about to go on tour, which means I'm not going to see you for months."

"So then come on tour with me."

"What difference is that going to make? You're still going to be busy."

"Not all the time. A lot of time on tour is just being on the bus, driving to places. And we can hang out during soundcheck and before concerts. Please? We can make this work. I promise."

"Ok. I'll come on tour with you. You're lucky I'm doing college online, otherwise this wouldn't work."

Riker pulls you into his arms and hugs you tight.

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