33 : Riker loses a relative

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33 - Riker loses a relative

You just got a text from Rydel, saying that the Lynchs' grandma died. It was hard for everyone, but Riker was taking it the hardest. Since you were Riker's girlfriend, Rydel was relying on you to try to make Riker feel better.

Suddenly, your phone starts ringing. It's Rydel.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Hey. Are you doing anything right now?"

"Nope. Just talking to you."

"Could you come by and pick up Riker, and just... keep him distracted for the day? He's just taking it really hard."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few."

You get in your car, and go to Riker's house. When you get there, Rydel is at the door, holding onto Riker's wrist.

"Here. I got him to shower and change into some clean clothes," Rydel says, giving you Riker's hand.

You take his hand, and pull him out the door towards your car. He's a bit of a sniffling mess, but you're glad he isn't sobbing.

"So what do you want to do today?" You ask.

Riker stays silent. You look over at him while you drive. He's playing with the drawstring of his sweatpants.


He still doesn't respond, so you don't push it.

You drive back to your house. Riker follows you down to your basement, which is where you guys usually chill and watch movies.

You put on a random movie, and sit down next to Riker. He pulls a blanket over both of you, and lays his head in your lap. You start rubbing circles on his back, trying to comfort him. He's still sniffling, and there are a few occasional tears that go down his cheeks, but hopefully things will only get better from here.


Riker still hasn't spoken a word to you since you picked him up. But the movie is over now, and he isn't crying anymore.

"Rik, how about we grab something to eat? We could order a pizza if you just want to stay here."

He slowly sits up beside you, and then leans his head on your shoulder. You put your arm around him, and hold him tightly.

"Does pizza sound good?" You ask.

He nods slowly.

"Alright. I'll call."

You order a pizza, and stay on the couch with Riker until the doorbell rings.

You go upstairs, pay the pizza guy, and go to the kitchen to grab plates and drinks. When you go back down to the basement, Riker is sprawled out on the couch. You set the pizza, plates, and drinks on the coffee table.

You turn around to face Riker, and you smile a little.

"Are you going to move over so I can sit?"

He just stares past you at the pizza.


He still doesn't respond, so you need to take extreme measures. You step next to the couch, and start tickling him. He squirms around on the couch, giggling. He ends up curled in a ball on the end of the couch, and you can finally take a seat next to him. You wrap your arms around him as he catches his breath.

"Can I please have pizza now? I haven't eaten anything all day," he says, almost whispering.

You hand him a plate with a slice of pizza on it, and you take one for yourself.

You both eat your pizza while watching something random on Netflix.

When you're finished, you bring the leftover pizza and plates upstairs. You're washing the dishes when all of a sudden, there are strong arms around you from behind.

"Hi..." Riker mumbles, holding you tighter.

"Hey. You alright?"

"Yeah... I think I'm ok..."

You finish the dishes with Riker still attached to you from behind. After you dry the dishes, you turn in Riker's arms, and hug him.

"Thanks for dealing with me today," Riker mumbles.

"You're welcome."

"I wasn't too horrible, was I?"

"No. You were fine, Riker. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

You kiss him, and can feel him smile into it.

"Can we go back down there and cuddle now? I'm tired."

"Sure, Riker."

You go back down to the basement and cuddle together until you fall asleep.

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