13 : You get scared during a fight

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13 - You get scared during a fight

"I don't care if he's just a friend! I don't like you talking to random guys!" Riker shouted.

You and Riker are headed home from Starbucks. Riker pulls his car into the driveway.

"Riker, I've known him for a few months. He's not just a random guy," you say, defending yourself.

"I don't care! I don't want you talking to him!"

You get out, and so does Riker. He slams his car door, making you a little nervous.

You follow him inside.

"I think you're just jealous, Riker."

"I am not jealous!" He screams.

He's never yelled that loud before. He never even usually yells at all. And he's making you extremely nervous.

"Riker, just because I'm talking to a guy, it doesn't mean we're flirting."

"But what if it does!?"

"Riker, I wouldn't cheat on you! I love you!"

"Yeah well that's the same exact thing my ex said! And look what happened!"

"Riker, I just think you need to trust me a little bit more."

"I do trust you! I just don't like you talking to that guy."

"You're jealous."

"I am not jealous!" He screamed.

You take a few steps backwards until you hit the wall. Riker steps closer, and you slide to the floor, scared.

"Hey," he says, watching you.

His eyes soften, and he suddenly looks really concerned.

"What did I do!?" He asks quietly, kneeling down to the floor.

"Y-you just s-scared me," you whisper.

"I scared you?" He whispers.

You nod. He seems almost horrified with himself now.

"I'm so sorry. You know I would never hurt you, right?"

You nod again, starting to cry.

"I'm so sorry," he says again.

He slowly wraps his arms around you, being super gentle. You're completely tense in his arms, but after a minute, you relax, beginning to trust Riker again.

Riker sits down on the floor, holding you slightly tighter.

"I am seriously so sorry. I didn't mean to," Riker whispers.

"It's ok," you mumble.

"No, it's not ok. I don't want to scare you. And I don't want to fight. I hate yelling. But it hurts me even more to know that I scared you like that. I feel so bad..."

You wrap your arms around him, and look up to face him. His eyes are completely full of guilt.

"It's ok, Riker," you whisper.

You kiss his lips, and he kisses you back. After you pull away, you lean your head on his chest, and he hugs you even tighter.

"Next time we're talking it out, and I'm not going to yell."

"Sounds good."

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