64 : Stage fright

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64 - Stage fright

Riker was having a really off week. He was all over the place, and couldn't seem to stay organized. He invited you over yesterday, completely forgetting that he had band rehearsal. So you stayed to watch him rehearse before you guys went out to grab some dinner. And he was a mess in rehearsal.

He has a show tonight, and you can tell he's nervous, which is weird because he's never usually nervous. He's usually excited.

"Riker, are you alright?" You ask, as he paces his dressing room.

"Um... To be honest, I'm worried."

"About what?"

"That I'll mess up the whole concert. There's so many people out there, and I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"Aw, Riker. You'll be fine."

"No, I don't think I will. I messed up in rehearsal yesterday..."

"Riker, you'll be fine."

"R5 on in 5 minutes!" Someone yelled.

"That's you. Now grab your bass."

He grabs his bass, and follows you over to the edge of the stage where the rest of R5 is.

"You'll be great, Riker. Try not to worry," you say.

He rocks back and forth on his toes, visibly nervous.

"Ready guys? On 3," Ross says.


They all start heading out on stage. Just as Riker's about to go out, he turns around, and runs away from the stage.

"Riker, wait!" You yell, running after him.

He runs back to his dressing room, sets his bass down, and curls up on the couch.

"Riker, what are you doing!? The concert's starting!" You say, trying to get him up.

You tug at his arm, but he won't budge.

"I can't do it! I'll screw it up! Everyone will hate me!"

"Riker, that's a little dramatic, don't you think? So what if you make a few mistakes? Come on."



"No, I can't do it."

His dad walks in, looking confused.

"Riker, the concert's starting. What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'll screw it up. I can't do it."

You sigh, and turn to look at Mark.

"He's scared he's going to mess up because he had a rough rehearsal yesterday," you say.

"Riker, you'll be fine. You always are," Mark says, walking over.

He grabs Riker's arm, and makes him get up. You hand him his bass, and he puts it over his shoulder.

"You can do this, Riker," you say, taking his hand.

You lead him back over to the stage, where his band is still waiting for him, very confused. Riker runs out, and apologizes. 

They start the concert, and you stand by the edge of the stage the whole time, watching. And Riker never misses a beat.

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