21 : Itching powder

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A/N : This was inspired by an old interview I just watched of Riker, and he couldn't stop fidgeting and scratching himself...

21 - Itching powder

"Riker, how could you plan a show on our 2 month anniversary?"

"I'm sorry... I forgot to tell my dad not to plan an R5 show for tonight..."


You look at him, and he looks really guilty.

"You can come to the show if you want," he says, giving you a half smile.

"Um, I'm good. If you really can't remember our anniversary, I don't need to come to your show."

"I'm sorry!"

"Riker, you didn't even tell me until today!"

"Because I forgot! I'm sorry! How many times do I have to apologize?"

You shook your head.

"Just go to your stupid show."

"I have to! I'm going to be late if I don't leave!"

You roll your eyes as Riker picks up his stuff, and hurries out the door.

You sit down on his bed, and sigh. You honestly feel like just going home, curling up in bed, and watching a movie. But then you get another idea...

You're going to make Riker regret forgetting your anniversary. You weren't stupid enough to fake a break up or anything like that. You were just going to do something to hopefully motivate him to remember your next anniversary...

You leave the house, and walk down the street to the mall. It only takes about 5 minutes.

You go to a store that sells all sorts of strange items, mostly for pranking people.

You grab a bunch of itching powder, and pay for it. And then you go back to Riker's house.

You go upstairs to his bedroom. He does the same thing after every show. He comes home, grabs a T-shirt and sweatpants, and goes to take a shower.

You pick out his outfit for him, and dump itching powder all over it.

And now you just have to wait...


You hear Riker walking up the stairs. You've been sitting on his bed, watching YouTube and Netflix while he was at the show.

"Hey. Why are you still here?"

"It's still our anniversary. Here, go shower. Then we'll watch a movie together, ok?"

You hand him his clothes.

"Thanks," he says, smiling.

You smirk as he walks out the door, completely clueless.

You wait for Riker to shower, and it doesn't take very long. He takes fast showers usually.

You hear soft footsteps, and then Riker comes into the room. He shuts the door, turns the lights off, and gets into bed next to you. You have Netflix pulled up on his laptop. He picks a movie, and it starts playing.

Riker starts shifting beside you, and scratching himself all over. But you can tell he's trying to be subtle about it. You keep watching the movie, pretending not to notice.

After only a few minutes, Riker sits up, and is furiously scratching himself everywhere. You pause the movie, and sit up beside him.

"What's wrong, babe?" You ask, trying not to laugh.

"I'm so... itchy!"

"Yeah, I can see that."

"I don't know why! But it's everywhere!"

You can't hold back your laughter anymore, and start laughing at him. He looks at you, confused.

"What?" He asks.

"I put itching powder in your clothes."


"I wanted to get you back for forgetting our anniversary."

He keeps scratching.

"Where'd you put it?"

"In your shirt, sweatpants, and underwear."

"Ugh! Ok, I really need to go shower and get this stuff off. Did you put it on any of my other things?"


He jumps out of bed, grabs a new change of clothes, and runs to the bathroom. 

He comes back a few minutes later, glaring at you.

"Not cool," he says, sliding into bed.

"You're the one that forgot our anniversary!"

"Ok, well you can be sure I won't forget next month!"

"Good. That was the goal."

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