58 : The dishes

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58 - The dishes   

You walk into the kitchen, and see a stack of dirty dishes still in the sink from last night. You know you told your boyfriend, Riker, to wash them and put them away. But he obviously hasn't.

You walk into the living room, hearing him playing video games.

"Riker," you say, putting your hands on your hips.


"Do you remember what I asked you to do last night?"


You wait for an answer, but you never get one. He's too focused on his game.



"Why didn't you do the dishes?"

"I was busy."

"With what?"

"My game."

"Riker, come on. Seriously. We agreed on how we were going to split up the chores. And you always slack off on doing the dishes. Please pause your game and go do them. We're having Rydel and Ellington over for a double date tonight, and if you don't do the dishes, we won't have enough plates."

"Just one more level..."

"No, Riker. Now, please."

"One more level."

"Riker. Seriously."

He's staring dead at the tv screen. You're getting so annoyed with him. He's stressing you out. You want everything to be perfect for the date tonight. And he's procrastinating with doing the dishes!

You wait another minute, and finally you decide you're done waiting. Riker is doing the dishes right now whether he likes it or not.

You walk over to the tv, and unplug it.


"Riker. Dishes. Now," you say, giving him a look.

"I was almost done with my level!"

"I don't care! I asked you to do the dishes last night!"

You don't raise your voice with him often, and you're pretty sure you got the point across to him that you're annoyed.

He slowly gets up, and walks into the kitchen. You straighten the couch cushions and place the remotes on the coffee table.

You go upstairs to go change into something nicer for your double date tonight. And when you walk back downstairs, Riker is standing in the kitchen, looking guilty.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks quietly, staring down at the floor.

"Um, kind of!"

"I'm sorry, ok? I did the dishes. Do you need me to help you with anything else before they come over tonight?"

"Riker, I just want you to take the whole living together thing seriously. There are things you can slack off with sometimes, but the dishes is not one of those things."

"Ok. I understand. I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

He reaches his hand out to you. You take his hand, and he pulls you into a hug.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise, I will. I'll help out a lot more, ok? And I can make you breakfast in bed. And-"



"Slow down. It's ok."


"Yes. But if you could please set the table, that would help a lot."

"Ok. I can do that."

Riker sets the table for you. You make dinner, and finally Rydel and Ellington show up.

You guys have a fun night, and after they leave, you're determined to ask Riker something.

"Hey, Riker?"


"Before you go to bed, can you please make sure you do the dishes?"


You go upstairs to get changed. You get into bed, and a little while later, Riker joins you.


"I did the dishes."

He wraps his arms around you tight, and hugs you.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry for stressing you out."

"It's ok."

You pull away from him and turn the light off. And then Riker kisses you goodnight.

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