7 : Sun burn

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7 - Sun burn

You order a pizza while you wait for your boyfriend, Riker, to come back home. He said he'd be home around 6:00. You guys were on vacation together at a beach house. You wanted to go out shopping, so Riker went to the beach for the day.

The pizza comes, and you pay for it. Riker still isn't back yet. He's now 15 minutes late.

You grab your phone, and call him.


"Riker, you're late! The pizza's here. Where are you?"

"Oh... I fell asleep... I'm coming right now."

"Ok. See you in a few."

You hang up, and wait for Riker to get here. He should be here in about 5 minutes since you can see the ocean from here.

A few minutes later, Riker comes in, doing a weird walk, standing on his toes.


"I got sun burnt!"

He comes closer, and you can see his skin is all red.

"Riker, what happened!? I told you to use sunscreen!"

"I fell asleep!"

You sigh, and make him turn around. The back of him is all burnt too. You turn him back around to face you. He looks really uncomfortable.

"Alright... You need to cool down. Come here."

You lead him into the bathroom, and turn the water on in the bathtub. You wait for it to fill up, and then help Riker gently lower himself in.

"Ow! I can't even sit! It burns!"

"Riker, hold on. I'll be back in a minute."

You go out to the kitchen and fill a bowl with ice. You go back to the bathroom, and dump it in the bathtub with him.

"It's cold!"

"That's the point! It'll feel good!"


You leave, and go back to the kitchen again. You get 2 plates, and put a piece of pizza on both of them. You walk back into the bathroom, and sit on the floor next to the bathtub. You hand Riker his plate, and start eating.

A little while later, Riker changes into dry clothes, and sits next to you on the couch carefully.

"How do you feel now?"

"Like I'm on fire! Everything literally burns!"

"Ok, I thought that might be the case. While you were finishing up and changing, I ran to the drug store across the street and got you some aloe lotion. It'll help you feel better."

"I'm going to smell like a plant."

"Well... You can either smell like Riker and have burning skin, or you can smell like a plant and feel a little better."

"Fine... I choose smell like a plant."

You laugh a little to yourself, and hand the lotion to Riker.

"Hold on. Can you do it for me?" Riker asks.

"Riker, you can do it yourself."


He gives you his best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, fine. Take your shirt off."

He carefully slips his shirt over his head, and lays down on his back on the couch. You gently apply the lotion all over his body, hearing him groan a few times from the pain. Finally you finished. Riker sat up next to you, and gave you a kiss on the cheek.


"You're welcome. But next time use sunscreen!"

A/N : This imagine was inspired by the horrible sunburn I got yesterday... ~Kylie 

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