31 : Riker contacts you after a fight - Part 2

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31 - Riker contacts you after a fight - Part 2

You and Riker go out to dinner later that night. You mostly catch up on life, and avoid topics of the past.

You guys finish up with dinner, and Riker gives you a ride back home. You invite him inside. It's a little bit late, but not too late.

You take him up to your bedroom, and sit on your bed.

"So... Tonight was fun. Right?" Riker asks, sounding unsure.

"Yeah. It was nice to catch up on things."

He sits down beside you, smiling a somewhat nervous looking smile.

"So why did you just randomly contact me?" You ask.

"Mom planned a trip for us to come back here to visit. She planned it about a month ago, and ever since she told me, I've been freaking out about coming back. I was worried I'd see you, and not know how to act or what to say. And I literally couldn't stop thinking about you. I started stalking your social media to try to... I don't know. See what you were up to, I guess... And I missed you... The first few months I was in LA were horrible for me. I was a mess. We'd broken up, and I'd just lost my best friend. And I guess I was just hoping you didn't hate me."

"Aw, Riker. I never hated you. I was just mad."


He looks down at his feet. He'd always do that when something was bothering him.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" You ask.

"No... Um... I should be getting home, I guess."

"Ok, I'll walk you down."

You and Riker walk down the stairs together. You walk him out the front door, where he pauses, and turns to you. It's a bit hard to see him because it's dark out. But the moonlight is reflecting in his eyes as he looks at you.

"I need to say something," he says, nervously.


"I just... Do you... Um... I..."

He glances to the side, obviously trying to put words together in his head.

"Riker, you ok?"

He turns back to face you.

"I don't know how to say it... Sorry... I should just go."

"Riker, wait. What is it?"

"I still... have feelings for you," he says quietly, looking away.

"You what?"

"I'm still in love with you. And I tried dating after I moved to LA, but every time I tried, I just ended up crying and canceling the date because I couldn't do it! And I tried to find out if you had a boyfriend by stalking your social media, but I couldn't tell because all I saw was you and that guy that we had the fight over. And I was hoping he wasn't your boyfriend, but I didn't know, and I've just been such a mess-"

You stand on your toes, and kiss him to make him stop talking.

When you pull apart from the kiss, he's staring intently at you with a few tears going down his cheeks.

"Don't cry. I still like you too, Riker."

"Y-you do?"


He laughs a little, and pulls you into a tight hug.

"I can't believe this. I missed this so much," he whispers.

You pull apart again.

"So what does this make us exactly?" You ask.

"Um... I don't know. What do you want us to be?"

"Well... Maybe we could try to be a couple again. I only have another month left in college, so we don't have to be apart too long."

Riker smiles.

"Ok. I would love that. But I do really need to get going. Mom still gets mad when I don't get back before midnight. I'll text you?"


Riker gives you a quick kiss, and then runs to his car.

You head back upstairs to your bedroom, and fall asleep after reading a text from Riker that says 'I love you'.

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