59 : Apology not accepted

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A/N : I guess you could say this was inspired by the breakup of R5 and the birth of The Driver Era. I know a lot of people are excited, but I also know a lot of people are really hurt by what they've done, including myself. It's like they completely deleted R5, and they're not giving us the answers we deserve. It honestly felt like I was betrayed by Riker because he let this happen. He let R5 break up. And he was ok with it. But whatever. I will always be a part of the R5 family, and I will always support R5. I don't know if I can say the same for The Driver Era. As most of you know, Riker's my favorite, so this really hit hard. But I'll always support Riker no matter what he's up to. I still might end up supporting The Driver Era, but I need time to think and time to adjust. But I intend to continue writing Riker and R5 fanfiction. This is a place that we can keep R5 alive.

59 - Apology not accepted

Riker promised to always be there for you. He promised he wouldn't leave you no matter what.

And because of some girl, he broke his promise.

You were incredibly mad at him. 

He'd texted you today, saying he wanted to talk. You agreed, but if he thought you were going to forgive him, he was very wrong.

He knocked on your door, and you answered.

"Can I come in?" Riker asks.

"No," you say, crossing your arms.

"Look. I'm really sorry. It was just a stupid mistake."

You stand there, glaring at him.

"I'm sorry," Riker says, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.

But puppy eyes won't work today.

"Apology not accepted, Riker."

"But I'm sorry! I would never intentionally hurt you!"

"Then why'd you kiss that girl?"

"I was drunk!"

"Yeah, and what happens the next time you get drunk?"

"I'll be more careful, ok?"

"No. I don't trust you."

"Come on. What do you want me to do?"

"You can't do anything, Riker."

"But I'm sorry! Really really sorry!"

"Well I'm not accepting your apology."


"No, Riker."

"We can't be over."

"You should've thought about that last night."

He sighs, and crosses his arms.

"Are you seriously not going to forgive me?"

"Did you seriously think I was going to forgive you after kissing that girl?" You counter.

"It was a mistake!"

"I don't care, Riker! What would you do if I did that!?"

"I... would be mad."

"Would you forgive me?"

"Well, yeah probably! I'd talk to you, and if I knew you were really sorry, and were going to try not to let it happen again, then I'd forgive you."

"Well that's very nice of you. But I'm not that nice."

Riker sighs, and stares at you.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Dead serious."

"Fine... But I really am sorry. I feel horrible about this."

"Yeah, well how do you think I feel?"

Riker's eyes drift down to the ground. He slowly turns around, and walks back to his car. When he gets there, he turns around to face you once more.

"I really am sorry."

"Well I really am not accepting your apology."

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