61 : Broken heart

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61 - Broken heart


You decided to drop by Riker's house today. You just wanted to visit him because he had gotten home from tour yesterday.

You knock on the door, and Ross answers.

"Hey, is Riker here?" You ask.

"Um... Well yeah, but..."

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Well... His girlfriend just broke up with him, and he's pretty upset."


"He's upstairs. Maybe you can cheer him up."

"Ok, thanks Ross."

You walk upstairs to his bedroom, and then knock on his door. He opens it.

You immediately notice his red face and eyes. He's been crying.

"Hey, Riker."


His voice is scratchy, and he sounds like he's going to start crying again.

You follow Riker over to his bed, and sit down next to him.

"My girlfriend broke up with me this morning," Riker mumbles, looking down at the floor.

"I know. I heard from Ross. I'm sorry, Riker."

He runs his hands through his hair, and then looks up at you.

"Could I have a hug?" He asks.


You gently pull him into your arms. He clings to you tightly, and you can tell he's trying to hold in his sobs. You start to rub his back, trying to make him feel better.

Finally, you guys break apart.

"I didn't know this had happened when I came over. So... if you just want some time to yourself, I can go," you say.

"No! Um... I'd really like the company. I've been crying all day, and I just want to feel better and start moving on."

"Ok. Uh... Did you want to do something to take your mind off of it?"

"Yeah... Maybe we could go to the beach?"

"Sure. You love the beach, so hopefully that will make you feel better."

"Yeah. Ok, I'm going to change into my swimsuit. Maybe you can borrow one of Rydel's?"

"Yeah, I'll go ask her."

You find Rydel, and she gives you a swimsuit to borrow. You and Riker both change, and then he drives you both to the beach.

The sun is setting now, and Riker suggests a walk down the beach.

You guys walk in the waves along the side of the shore. The water is a little cold, but Riker doesn't seem to care. And he's walking in the water with it at about waist height.

"Aren't you cold?" You ask.

"A little."

All of a sudden, a big wave comes. It knocks Riker into you, and you both fall over.

Riker helps you stand up again, and you're both shivering now.

"Sorry. That wave came out of nowhere," Riker says.

"It's fine, Riker."

"Maybe we should head back to my car. It's really cold now."

You and Riker start walking back. When you get to his car, he hands you a towel, and you wrap it around yourself.

You both get in his car again, and just relax for a minute.

"Thanks for coming over today. I mean, I know you didn't know about what happened. But thanks for coming over, and staying with me."

"Of course, Riker."

He smiles, looking in your eyes.

He starts leaning forward, and then your lips connect with his. He kisses you softly, and then pulls back after a few seconds.

"Wow," he whispers.

"Wow?" You ask.

"It's just that it never felt right whenever I was with my ex... Something always felt off... You've been with me all along, so... I don't know why I'm surprised that the kiss felt right... I mean... Sorry, I don't really know why I did that..."

"Do you like me like that?"

"Well... honestly, yeah. I didn't want to mess up our friendship though, so I just never told you."

"Aw, Riker. It's funny because I actually did the same thing."

"Really? So you like me back?"


He smiles.

"This day started out so bad, but it's ending so good," he says, leaning in for another kiss.

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