42 : Riker has a stomachache

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42 - Riker has a stomachache

"I told you not to get that spicy whatever you call it thing for dinner," you say as Riker curls up in bed, with his arms around his stomach. 

"I had curry and some kind of sandwich. I don't really know what was in it, but they were both spicy, and really tasty."

"Well don't get them next time!"

"Ugh, it hurts so bad!"

He lays down, and buries his face in his pillow. You rub his back a little, trying to make him feel better.

He whines for a little while, but he gets quieter and quieter, probably because he's becoming sleepy. It's almost midnight.

"Rik, you feeling any better?"

"No! It hurts!"

He moves around some more, and ends up crawling into your lap. He curls into a ball, still whining about his stomach.

"Can we go to bed?" Riker asks, quietly.


You shut off the lamp, and pull the blankets over both of you. Riker is still half on top of you, curled up. He can get a bit clingy when he doesn't feel well, but you don't mind.

"Wake me up if you need anything, ok?" You ask.


"Night, Riker."


Later that night...

You wake up, hearing the sound of a door closing. You open your eyes, and see Riker walking over.

"You ok?" You ask.

"Eh... My stomach doesn't feel so good. I just used the bathroom and took some medicine."

He crawls into bed, and curls up next to you. He cuddles into your side, and wraps his arms around you.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"It's ok. I just hope you feel better soon."

"Yeah, I hope so too..."

Riker moves around, like he can't seem to get comfortable. And it's keeping you awake.



"Everything ok?"

"Um... Yeah. I think maybe I'm hungry though."

"You've got to be kidding me. Riker, I don't want you to upset your stomach even more!"

"Well I feel like it would feel better if I ate something. I'm just so hungry, and it's keeping me awake. Can you come downstairs with me?"

"Riker, go down by yourself. I'm tired."

"No, please? It's dark down there."

You look at Riker.

"Please? There could be a murderer down there."

You roll your eyes and sit up.


Riker grabs your hand, and pulls you out of bed. He takes you downstairs and makes some peanut butter and toast, which is one of his favorite snacks.

"Riker, hurry up. I'm going to fall asleep."

He takes his toast and your hand.

"Riker, no. Don't eat that in bed. You'll get crumbs in it."

"Fine. I'll eat on the couch."

You both sit down on the couch. You grab a blanket, and pull it over yourself and Riker. You cuddle into Riker's side and fall asleep before he can finish eating.


"Wake up..."

You open your eyes and see Riker looking down at you. You were laying in his lap.

"Why did you wake me up?" You ask.

"I wanted a kiss."

You roll your eyes.

"I'm sorry for all my whining yesterday. But I feel better now, so you won't have to listen to me complaining about that anymore. But you will have to listen to me until you kiss me."


You kiss Riker's lips. He pulls you closer, and cuddles under the blankets with you.

"You're really feeling better?" You ask.


"Good, I'm glad, babe."

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