65 : The Hockey Incident

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A/N : Inspired by the first episode of Glass Half Full. Riker talked about how he would get hurt in hockey... Also, Riker is a teenager in this imagine.


65 - The Hockey Incident

You were at your boyfriend, Riker's house. He was getting ready to go to his hockey game.

"No, really. You don't have to come. I'd actually prefer if you didn't come," Riker mumbles.

"What? Why?"

"Because... Everyone is bigger and stronger than me, and I get hurt most of the time..."

"What? You've never told me about this."

"Yeah, well it's embarrassing, ok? And I don't get hurt very bad. Usually I'm just sore the next day, but then I'm fine."

"Well I want to come. I know how much you love hockey, and I want to see you play."

"Fine... Then we better get going."


You're watching the game with Rydel. Riker's parents are around somewhere too. So far, Riker's been doing great. You can tell how much he likes playing hockey. He looks like he's having a great time.

Someone passes Riker the puck, and he goes flying down the ice. All of a sudden, someone smashes him into the wall, and he falls down hard.

"Oh my god!" Rydel says, jumping up.

You stand up too, and see one of the refs hurrying over to Riker. His dad is also on the ice now.

Riker sits up, but you can't tell if he's alright or not.

"Come on," Rydel says, grabbing your hand.

She leads you down towards the rink, and you guys find her mom.

"Is Riker ok?" Rydel asks.

"No, they're calling an ambulance for him."

"What's wrong?"

"They think he has a concussion because he's really out of it. Come on, let's head to the hospital."

You guys follow her out to her car and get in. Within 15 minutes, you arrive at the hospital. You go in, and Mrs.Lynch goes to talk to the receptionist.

"I hope he's ok... He told me he didn't want me to come because he gets hurt," you say.

"Aw... He'll be ok."

"Come on, kids. I have his room number," Mrs.Lynch says.

You guys follow her down the hall to Riker's room. Riker's in a hospital bed, crying.

"Aw, honey are you alright?" His mom asks.

"My head hurts! Really bad!"

"It's going to be ok, Riker."

You go over and sit down next to Riker on his bed.

"I told you I get hurt..."

You put your arm around him and gently rub his back.

"When can I go home?"

"Let me talk to your doctor and find out."

Rydel sits down on the other side of him.

"So what happened?" Rydel asks.

"I don't know... It all happened so fast. Some guy crashed into me and I hit my head really hard. And then the ride to the hospital was so loud and bumpy. I think it made my head hurt worse."

Another tear falls down Riker's cheek. You wipe it away.

"Don't cry, Riker. They're going to take care of you and make sure you're ok," you say.

Mrs.Lynch comes back a few minutes later.

"Can I go home soon?"

"They want to do a scan of your head, and if nothing seems wrong, you can go home. But they said from the tests they did in the ambulance, it looks like you have a concussion."

"Is that bad?"

"No, they said you'll need to take some time off from hockey, but you'll recover. You might get a few headaches, but you'll be fine."


A few minutes later, they took Riker to scan his head. And then he came back.

"How did it go?" Rydel asked.

"Fine. But I'm tired and sore, and I really just want to go home already."

He lays down on his hospital bed, grabs your hand, and pulls you down next to him. He cuddles into your side.

"My head hurts so bad," he whimpers, nuzzling his head into your shoulder.

"It'll feel better soon, Riker," you say, rubbing the top of his hand with your thumb.

A little while later, Riker's doctor comes in.

"I looked at the results of his scan. He looks good to go. Only a slight concussion."

"Great. So he can go home now?" Mrs.Lynch asks.


He leaves, and you help Riker sit up. You put your arm around him as you walk out of the hospital to the car. Mrs.Lynch takes you guys back to her house, but then leaves with Rydel to go back to the hockey game since the rest of her kids are still there.

Riker curls up on the couch, and rests his head on one of the cushions.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" You ask.



"Bathroom cabinet."

You get him some pain relievers and a glass of water. He takes them, and then you sit down next to him.

"You'll start feeling a lot better soon."

"I hope so... My head is pounding..."

He switches from resting his head on the couch cushion to resting it on your shoulder.

"Do you want to watch tv to take your mind off the pain?"


You grab the remote and put something random on. Riker curls into you, and before long, he's fast asleep.

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