A/N : Requested by @AradhanaVanAssche
86 - Tour surprise
Riker had been on tour for about a month and still had a month left of tour before he could come home. You had been missing him a ton and he'd been missing you too. So you decided to go surprise him on tour.
You'd texted Rydel to set the whole thing up. You flew to New York to see him at his New York City show. It was tonight.
The plan was for you to watch their whole show from backstage with Stormie. And then when the show was over, you'd be there to surprise him and spend the night with him.
You got to the venue where their show was a bit early. Rydel let you inside and got you past security. Everyone was in soundcheck right now, so you hung out with Stormie in one of the back rooms.
Riker's cousin Gordy was on tour with them as well, to be their photographer. So before their show started, he took some pictures of you, hiding in a room with Stormie as a fun memory.
Their show finally started, so you and Stormie left the back room and hung out backstage instead. Riker didn't really look backstage during shows. He mostly focused on the crowd, so you knew the chances of him seeing you were pretty low.
Finally after about an hour, they wrapped up their concert and ran off the stage. Immediately, Riker saw you and wrapped his arms around you in a hug.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I came to surprise you. I couldn't wait another month for you to come home," you say, hugging him back.
"I missed you so much! How long have you been here?"
"Since before your show. I was hanging out with your mom."
You notice Gordy taking pictures of you and Riker.
"How long are you staying?" Riker asks.
"I leave tomorrow, so we have all night together."
He pulls away from you and takes your hands in his.
"You're the best. Thank you for coming to visit," he says, before kissing you.