68 : Riker cuts

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A/N : This was something I wrote in the summer and never posted for some reason...

68 - Riker cuts

Riker has been seeming a little weird lately. He was especially weird when you guys hung out yesterday. He was being extremely clingy and needy.

So you decided to stop by today and see how he was. Maybe yesterday was just a bad day or something...

You arrive at the Lynch's house and Ross opens the door.

"Is Riker here?" You ask.

"Yeah, I think he's upstairs."


You walk upstairs to Riker and Rocky's bedroom. Just as you're about to knock on his door, you hear voices.

"I can't believe you would do something like this!"

It sounded like Rocky.

"I-I'm s-sorry!"

That sounded like Riker. Was he crying?

"Are you that stupid? Bro, you can do some real damage by doing this!"

You instantly feel your stomach drop. What is Riker doing?

You knock on the door, so curious to know what's going on.

Rocky opens the door only a crack.

"Oh, it's you."

He opens the door all the way, and lets you in.

"What's going on?" You ask.

Rocky points to Riker on the floor. You see blood all over his arms.

"He cuts, apparently," Rocky says, kneeling beside Riker.

Riker is leaning his head on the bed, crying.

Rocky starts to wipe the blood off his wrists. You sit down next to Riker, and put your hand on his leg gently.

"Rikes, it's ok. Calm down," you say, softly.

Tears are constantly going down his cheeks. Rocky finishes cleaning up his wrists, and bandages them up.

You gently take Riker's hands in yours.

"Do you hate me?" Riker asks, quietly.

"No, I don't hate you. Can you tell me why you did this to yourself?"

"I just felt like I had to. To take the pain away."


"It's harder being in a band than anyone thinks it is! Nobody ever thinks of the bad things! Everyone focuses on the fame and the money! Not the constant hate..."

"Bro, I thought you didn't care what anyone else thought," Rocky says.

"I lied."


"Because I'm the oldest, so I was just trying to set a good example. But sometimes I feel like I just crack and break, and I don't know what to do."

You wipe the tears off Riker's cheeks.

"I want a hug," he mumbles.

You pull him into a hug, and then pull Rocky in too.

"Riker, if you ever need to talk, I'm always here," you say, pulling away.

"Yeah, and so am I. We're roommates, Riker. I'm always here," Rocky says.


"Maybe we should tell mom and dad."

"No! Please don't! Mom will be so disappointed, and dad will just make things worse!"

"Fine. I won't tell. But if you do it again, I'm telling."


Riker Lynch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now