15 : Sick

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15 - Sick


You walk into Riker's bedroom, finding him in bed with his blankets half on, half off.


"What are you groaning about?" You ask.

"Don't feel good..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm hot and cold at the same time. My stomach, and my head, and ugh!"

You walk closer, and fix his blankets. Riker's cheeks are extremely pale, and he almost looks sort of green.

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" You ask.

"No... My stomach just hurts really badly."

You can see a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"Do you want me to go get you medicine?"

"Yes, please..."

"What do you want?"

"Something to help my head and my belly..."

You walk down the hall to the bathroom, and get some medicine from the closet. You bring it back to Riker, and he takes it.


"Is there anything else you need, Rik?"


He wraps his arms around you, and pulls you into bed with him. He pulls the covers up, and snuggles into your side. A few minutes later, you hear snores coming from his slightly open mouth.

You go on your phone, not wanting to leave your boyfriend. After a little while, Riker starts to stir. And he wakes up again.


"What's wrong?"

"My belly..." He whines.

"Rik, you can't have any more medicine for a few more hours."

"But it hurts."

"I know it does. But you just need to wait for it to go away."

"It hurts worse than before."

"I don't know what to tell you, Rik."

He turns away from you on his side. You see his breathing get kind of jagged.

"Rik, you ok?"

"It hurts!" He says, crying now.

"Aw, Rik. I'm sorry."

You wrap your arms lightly around him from behind.

"Can you rub it?" He whimpers.

"Rub what?"

"My belly."

"Uh... Sure."

You place your hands lightly on his stomach, and start lightly massaging it. Riker slowly begins to calm down again, and you can feel his body relaxing.

"Feel any better yet?"

"A little..."

"You know, maybe you'd feel better if you had something to eat."

"I don't want to."

"I know you don't, but maybe you'd feel better if you did. I'm going to go make you some soup, ok?"

"No, don't leave me!"

"How about you come down, and lay on the couch. That way if you need anything, I can get it."


He slowly sits up, and wraps his arms around his stomach. He winces as he stands. You put your arm lightly around him, and lead him downstairs. He flops onto the couch, and curls up.

You go into the kitchen, and make him some soup. By the time it's done, Riker has started silently crying again on the couch. You know he's in a lot of pain.

"Rik, how are you feeling?"

"Not good," he whimpers.

"How's your headache?"

"Mostly gone. But my stomach is worse!"

"I know. Here. Sit up. I want you to eat."

You help him sit up, and you sit next to him. But as soon as he sits up, he crumples into your lap.

"Aw, Rik..."

"It hurts..."

"I know, Riker. But I want you to try eating something."

He whimpers, and covers his face with his hands.

"Come on, Riker. I know you don't feel good, but I need you to be strong, and eat some soup."

You run your fingers through his hair a little, and you feel him relaxing slightly.

"Come on, Rik. Please sit up for me."

He slowly sits up.

"Here, I'll even feed it to you."

You pick up the spoon, and start feeding the soup to Riker, who willingly eats it.

He finishes half the soup, and then curls up in a ball again.


"Hurts," he whimpers.

You start rubbing his back.

"Do you feel better or worse than before?"

"The same... Except I really need to use the bathroom!" He says, jumping up, and bolting down the hall.

You sigh, and start eating the rest of Riker's soup. 

Riker comes back 10 minutes later, and sits down beside you again.

"Did you throw up?"

"No. I just had to go to the bathroom."

"How do you feel?"

"A lot better than I did before."

"Good. I'm glad."

"But it still hurts a little bit..."

You look at him. He's giving you puppy dog eyes. You sigh.

"What do you want, Riker?"


"Alright, let's go back upstairs."


You follow Riker up to his room, and slip into bed beside him. 

"Thanks for taking care of me," Riker says, snuggling into your side.

"Rik, I'll always take care of you."

He sighs happily, and closes his eyes.

You and Riker both fall asleep, cuddled up together.

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