94 : Ice Barrel

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A/N : This is super short and isn't really an imagine. It's more of a drabble. Sometimes I wonder if one day Riker's going to go outside to his ice barrel and it's just going to be frozen solid.


94 - Ice Barrel

Riker had invited you to come to his family's cabin for a week. Of course you said yes, and it was awesome, but you were getting tired of Riker's ice barrel obsession. And apparently so were his siblings.

You were waiting for Riker to come inside from jumping in his ice barrel so you two could watch a movie. But it was taking forever and you started wondering what was taking so long.

You came downstairs from the loft, hearing a lot of banging sounds and laughter. 

"What's going on? Where's Riker?" You ask.

"We locked him outside," Rocky said, laughing.

You could see Riker on the other side of the front door, pounding on it. 

"Guys, there's snow out there! He's probably freezing! Let him in!" You say.

None of his brothers move to let him in, so you unlock the front door and open it yourself.

"That wasn't funny! I'm freezing cold! And soaking wet! I could get hypothermia!" Riker said, sounding really mad.

"You weren't going to get hypothermia in 2 seconds," Ross said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't care! Don't do that ever again! It's not funny!" He said, storming up the stairs.

His brothers are still laughing at him. But you turn and follow Riker upstairs. He grabs his clothes to go change in the bathroom. When he comes out, he immediately comes over to you for a hug. His teeth are chattering, his whole body is shaking, and his skin is ice cold.

"Did you know they were going to do that?" Riker asked, quietly.

"No. I came downstairs to find out what was taking you so long."

"I'm really cold."

"Let's go downstairs and sit by the fire until you warm up."

You take his hand and lead him downstairs. You both sit down on the floor in front of the fire. Riker is still shaking pretty hard beside you. So you wrap your arms around him tight, trying to warm him up.

"For the rest of this trip, promise me you'll make sure they don't lock me out again? My toes are numb."

"I promise I'll try."

Instead of watching a movie downstairs, you and Riker decide to head upstairs to the loft and claim one of the beds up there because of how cold Riker is. He wraps his arms around you from behind and puts the movie on his phone instead so he can be cuddled into your side the whole time.

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