92 : Locked out

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A/N : Inspired by the 10 inches of snow I just got last night.

92 - Locked out  

You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. You pick it up and see it's your boyfriend, Riker calling. Why is he calling at almost 2:00 in the morning?

You answer it.


"H-hey. I-I'm s-super s-sorry to be c-calling s-so late. B-but I'm l-locked out a-and nobody's h-home-"

"Riker, why are you shaking?"

"I-I'm r-really c-cold."

"You're locked outside your house?"

"Y-yeah. E-everyone's at t-the c-cabin in C-Colorado a-and I f-forgot m-my k-key."

"You live like 5 minutes from me. Come over. I don't want you to freeze!"


He hangs up. You get up and look outside. It's snowing out. 

You go downstairs to wait for Riker, wondering how he could've locked himself out of his own house. After about 5 minutes, you hear him knocking on your door.

You open it to see him standing there in just jeans and a T-shirt. He has his arms wrapped around himself and he's visibly shaking.

"Get in here!" You say, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside.

His arm is ice cold.

"How did you get locked out of your own house, and why aren't you wearing a coat?"

"L-lost my c-coat. K-keys were in t-the p-pocket."

"Where did you lose your coat?"

"R-recording studio."

"Why were you at the recording studio without everyone else?"

"H-had t-to redo v-vocals."

You put your arm around him and lead him into your living room. He's shaking really hard. 

You have him sit down on the couch and then you go get him a few blankets. After that, you go make him a cup of hot cocoa.

When it's done, you bring it to Riker and sit down beside him on the couch. He holds the mug of hot cocoa between his hands tightly, trying to warm up. But he's still shaking.

"M-my f-fingers are l-literally n-numb."

"Well they won't be in a few minutes."

You put your arm around him and he leans into your side. You both sit there in silence for a couple of minutes until Riker's shaking becomes less intense.

"I was going to try to just wait until morning to call you, but I was just getting so cold-"

"It's fine, Riker. I don't want you to freeze."

He drinks his hot cocoa and then sets the mug down on the coffee table. 

"Are you warmer now?"

"Yeah," he says, smiling.


"But you know..."


"Cuddles might make me even warmer."

"You want to spend the night and go cuddle?"

He nods. You both go upstairs to your bedroom. Since Riker's over your house so often, he has a change of clothes here. He gets changed into comfier clothes and then gets into bed beside you.

You're really tired because it's the middle of the night, but Riker has a bit more energy, probably from the sugar in the hot cocoa.

He lays down beside you and wraps his arms around you tight.

"When does your family get back from the cabin?"

"A few days."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I had to redo my vocals for one song and I had an audition."


"So maybe could I possibly stay until they get back?"

"Of course you can, Riker. I wouldn't send you back out in the snow!"

Riker laughs and holds you tighter.


"Of course, Riker."

"So since it's snowing out, I think tomorrow we should just stay in bed, watch movies, and cuddle all day."

"Sounds like a plan, Riker," you say, smiling.

You turn in his arms so you can kiss him.

"Goodnight, Riker."

"Goodnight," he says, cuddling closer to you.

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