5 : Kayaking

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5 – Kayaking

"Riker, hurry up! If we don't go soon, it'll be too dark!" You shout down the hall.

Your boyfriend, Riker, was supposedly getting changed, but he was taking forever! You guys were staying at a cabin on a lake, and you'd rented a kayak for the weekend. Riker wanted to go kayaking, but he'd put it off all day for some reason, which was probably laziness.

You walk down the hall, determined to find out what's taking forever. You knock on the bedroom door.

"Riker! Hurry up, and get your butt out here so we can go!" You say, annoyed.

Riker opens the door, wearing his swimsuit, and he has a weird look on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" You ask.

"I'm just... kind of scared, ok?"

You roll your eyes.

"Riker, we'll be fine. Come on."

You grab his wrist, and pull him out of the cabin, and down to the lake.

"Riker, you rented a one person kayak? What are we supposed to do?"

"You can sit on my lap."

You roll your eyes.

"Next time, let me handle all this stuff. I won't make silly mistakes."

Riker pulls the kayak to the edge of the water, and then stands there, staring at it.

"Well get in," you say.

"A-are you sure this is safe?"

"Yes, Riker. Get in."

He gets into the kayak slowly. You grab the paddle and hand it to him after getting in and sitting on his lap.

"How am I supposed to paddle if you're in front of me?" Riker asks.

You can hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Give it to me. I'll paddle."

You start paddling, and once you get pretty far away from shore, you can feel Riker's legs shaking underneath you. You turn around to look at him. He's looking down at the water nervously.

"Riker, seriously. You know how to swim, and you love it. You won't drown or anything. What's so scary about kayaking?"

"W-what if we tip!?"

"Then we tip. We'll get back in the kayak, and go home or whatever. We're not going to die or anything. Calm down, and stop shaking. There's nothing to be afraid of."

You give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and continue paddling. You can hear his breathing slow down a little, and he stops shaking after a few minutes.

Nobody is saying anything, and you've been in silence for a while now. You keep thinking about Riker, and him being afraid to tip. You almost want to tip the kayak and show him there's nothing to be worried about...



"I'm doing this because I love you."


You lean hard to one side of the kayak, and it tips. You hear Riker scream before you both go underwater. You come back to the surface again, and hold onto the kayak, which is floating upside down. Riker pops up next to you, coughing a little bit.

"What was that for!?" Riker asks, clearly annoyed and slightly scared.

"To show you that we'd be fine. See? We're fine, Riker."

His expression softens a little, and he sighs.

"I guess I was being kind of stupid, thinking something would happen..." Riker mumbles.

"It's ok."

You kiss his lips, and then flip the kayak over. You and Riker manage to climb back into the kayak, and you paddle back to land, shivering slightly from being soaked.

Once you get back to shore, Riker pulls the kayak out of the water, and you guys run back to the cabin together, shivering.

You and Riker both change into comfy pajamas, and then cuddle on the couch with a blanket, watching a movie.

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