89 : Crazy Fans

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A/N : I've been on a hiatus for so long because life has gotten busy between trying to find a job and dealing with a lot of health issues. But I really want to get back into writing because this was probably my best coping skill in highschool. If anyone has any imagines/oneshot ideas, leave a comment. I'm making this chapter longer than my usual ones to see if it gives me any inspiration. Enjoy.

Your and Riker's ages : Early 20s

89 - Crazy Fans

Your boyfriend Riker was about to get done with a concert and then was supposed to meet up with you to get dinner. But he was currently stuck inside the venue because he hadn't left soon enough and now there were fans outside waiting for him, blocking all his exits.

You decide to call him.


"Riker, are you sure there isn't any way you can sneak out?" You ask.

"There are literally fans at every exit. I don't know what to do. Everyone else already left so I don't have Ross or Rocky to help get through the crowd."

"Ok, I'm walking to the venue. Maybe I can get all the fans to leave or something."

You hang up and walk to the venue. It's dark out because it's late, but that's good because it'll be easier to get Riker out without being noticed.

Just as Riker said, there were tons of fans outside, waiting for him. This is why they try to run out before the fans can crowd around outside. But for some reason Riker didn't make it out soon enough tonight.

You walk up to the crowd that's standing outside one of the doors and tap one of the girls on the shoulder.

"What's everyone waiting for?" You ask.

"Riker Lynch. He hasn't left yet," she said.

"Ohhh... I thought so. He said he was leaving out the front."

The girl started telling everyone what you'd just told her and they all started running to the front entrance. You called Riker again.


"Come to the back door. I got everyone else to go to the front."


A minute later, the door opens and Riker comes out.

"He's over there!" Someone shouts.

You and Riker look and see a ton of crazy fan girls running towards both of you. You grab Riker's hand and start running.

"We're never going to outrun them," Riker says, breathing hard.

"We don't have to outrun them. We just have to lose them," you say.

You and Riker start running down random back roads and alleys, trying to lose the crowd chasing after you. But they're still chasing you.

You pull Riker down a particularly dark road that doesn't have any businesses or houses. It's just trees. A few seconds later, Riker trips over something in the dark and pulls you down with him since he's still holding your hand.

You don't fall very hard, but Riker does. You look up to see if fans are still chasing you and you can still see some of them running towards your direction.

"Get up. They're still coming," you say, quietly.

"Ow! I can't. My ankle really hurts."

You look up and see the fans getting closer. You're hoping they can't see you in the dark, but just in case they can, you grab Riker under his arms and drag him about 10 feet into the woods and behind a bush.

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