Such a tease- Young Derek Hale.

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(Okay so if you want I can keep doing Y/N or I can do random names like grace, or ella. You guys can tell me if you want Y/n or just like names itself.)

Derek's pov.

There she was sitting in the classroom just doing her schoolwork.
As Derek Hale I have to say something so it doesn't look like I love her.

"Yo dork!" I whisper to her smirking.
As she looks at me my eyes widened
"Idiot i'm working now shut up." She hissed back.

I look around to see a few of my friends laughing as I sit back and just think to myself for the rest of the class.

Y/N pov.

I finally rush out of class I HATE that class it would be fine if that Hale guy wasn't in it. All he does is bother me in it.
As I walk up to my locker and start to put the code in I can feel someone coming towards me and I can already tell who it was.

"Well hello there." His voice hushed which sent shivers down my body.
"Derek I swear to- what does it take for you to leave me alone?" I turn around to see him now doing his stupid grin.
"Well how could I leave a girl like you alone? Without teasing her of course." And with that he took my phone and started running.
"Oh my god." I say putting my stuff down running after him.

He rushes into the band room which makes me question cause no one goes in there?

"Derek Hale give me my phone now bitch." I yell at him.
"nUh uHh." He joked back.
"This isn't funny do you see me laughing?" I said.
"I find it hilarious." He said back.
"Yeah of course you do." I rolled my eyes.
"Hm other girls slip right at my feet but you, you are different." Derek said that like it was a good thing.
"Yeah I hope I am." I shrug.

Some time goes by and he finally gives you the phone back so you can leave and right when you were about to leave he whispers into your ear.
"Meet here tomorrow same time."
Then he walked off making you question why?

It was the last class of the day now.

Oh my god finally school is almost done I have like 10 more minutes till the bell rings and I'm out of this class and of course Derek and his friends are in this class.
Talking about Derek? Well here he comes with his group.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in this class, hm?" He said in disgust towards me.
"I didn't think I had too since we aren't friends." I said coldly.
He seemed hurt when I said we weren't friends.
"We aren't friends?" He said with no emotion.
"If you call pushing me around all day, making fun of me, trying to one up me WHENEVER a friend? Please think again of what a friend is?" I smile at him making him look dumb.
I turn back to my paper and gather up my stuff.
"Hey wait-" He tried to call after me but I was already out the door.
I couldn't take his bullshit anymore.
"Y/N wait up!" He called after me and soon enough we were in a hallway alone.
"Derek what?!" You say annoyed.
"I'm sorry okay? Look I just want friends-" I cut him off because it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
"So acting like douche bag is gonna make you have friends?" I mock him in his stupid tone.
He stood there clenching his jaw.
"Can't you just take the stupid apology?!" I could see I was getting to him.
"Not when you don't mean it." I wink at him.
"Give me a month. After the month ends if you don't wanna be my friend fine okay?" He makes a deal.
I think about it for a little.
"Just because you wanna get out of something doesn't mean you have to make a deal but sure if you don't change towards me I will cut it shorter then a month." Finally I walk off.

It's been 2 weeks since then and I've figured out his plan he acts tough in front of his friends then when we meet up alone when we hangout at night he's the sweetest boy I have ever met. I have to say I fell for him I know I know it's stupid of me but I can't avoid him I just can't.

"Derek!" I smile to him when I walk into the band room.
"Why hello there love." He winked at me pulling me into a hug.
I laughed at his welcome but I love his hugs they feel like bear hugs the BEST hugs ever.
"So I was thinking about doing a little something." I smile at him.
"Like?" He says waiting.
"How about you play a instrument?" I smirk.
"Any?" He says.
"I mean you said you are soooo much better then me so let's see?" I smirk.
"Okay give me a second to find one." He walks away looking at them.

It's been a minute and he finds one and comes back and his stupid cheesy grin that I fall for holding up the triangle instrument.

"Really cmon." I roll my eyes.
"You said any my dear." Then he played it and set it down.
"I hate you." I shoved him playfully.
"No you don't you love me." He sat down next to me and looked into my eyes.
"Hate you." I comment back.
"You love me." He asks really looking for a answer.
I just nodded yes because I have known him for years since our family's were close.

Derek's pov.

I look into her eyes and see her say playfully that she hates me, I know she doesn't mean it or well I hope so I just play along.
"No you don't, you love me!" I grinned back.
"Hate you." She commented back.
"You love me." I asked hoping to get the answers I wanted to hear for a long time.
All she did was a light nod yes.
Before either of us could say anything else I went into the kiss seeing she went in for it too.

I could feel her melting into the kiss and I couldn't lie so was I.
I have made fun of her and teased her for so long and all I have ever wanted to do was be with her.
But my family said we wouldn't last since i'm werewolf and I would just hurt her so instead I tried to push her away but seeing her walking away hurt me worse then anything and I knew she was the one thing that mattered even tho we are just teenagers about to go to high school, I know she's who I need and want.

(I'm sorry this one isn't the best-)

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