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"No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed." He groaned.

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this.." I poked his nose.

"Mmm.. you're warm." He mumbled into my chest pulling me closer.

I smiled to myself looking around his room spotting pictures of us hung up on his wall.

"You have pictures of us on your wall just like me?" I giggled.

"Yeah I like waking up and knowing when you aren't here I can still wake up and look at you on my wall." He yawned.

"Cute." I smiled down at him.

He started kissing me all over my face.

"Stiles that tickles!!" I squeal.

"There's that beautiful smile." He smirked.

"Oh shut up.." I pushed him playfully.

"I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please?" He begged.

"Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day. Go ahe-"

I could feel the spark as we kissed. I never wanted that feeling too disappear and I don't think it will.


"It's too cold! Come back!" He whined as I got out the bed.

"Stiles we need to get ready for the party." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you wearing my shirt?" He eyed me up and down.

"Yeah? But I'm changing." 

"Why can't you just stay in my shirt? You look good in anything." He moped.

"This is a fancy party! Not a Stiles party." I joked.


I had a red silk dress on my body, hugging my body perfectly. 

I walked out of the bathroom to see Stiles in a suit.

"Gosh you look handsome." I gasped.

"And wow, you're hot." His jaw dropped.

"Let's get to this party. Shall we?" I slipped shoes on and walked out to his car.


The night got later and later as more people left.

"Hey Y/n?" I heard Stiles ask.

"Yeah babe." I put the drink down turning around.

"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." He let it out.

"What? Why are you terrified?" I asked.

"Well lately we have been lining things up with the creatures and they are targeting people I love, or show something towards. My dad understands why I'm avoiding him but I can't stay away from you and I'm scared they are going to do something to you." He shrugged.

"I love you Stiles and I would risk anything to be with you. I don't care if I could get hurt because of these creatures." I gave him a soft smile.

"Well I care." He sighed and looked away.

I pushed his head in my direction. "Stiles this isn't about if I get hurt or if you do. This is about how you are letting them win. You are letting them get to you, fight back." I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I'm gonna go get us more drinks go find Scott and them." I smiled and walked away.


Stiles POV.

It's been 10 minutes since I saw her last. Where was she? Was she lost? I mean this house was bi-

I heard a blood piercing scream that brought me out of my thoughts.

"THAT WAS Y/N SCOTT!" I pushed people out the way looking for her.

"STILES RELAX!" I heard Scott run after me.

"WHERE IS SHE! WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND! SHE CAN"T GET HURT NO!" My body fell to the ground so tired of these shitty monsters ruining my life.

"Stiles breathe!" Lydia patted his back.

"She's hurt! I heard her scream! Lydia what if-"

"Stop with the what if's. We have a true alpha on our side Stiles she is going to be okay." Allison chipped in.

If it weren't for Issac holding me down while Scott went to find her I would have been running around for her like a manic.

"S-Stiles they have her dude I couldn't get her in time there was too many." Scott huffed out.

I slammed my fist on the table. "She's gone?" I became numb.

"Stiles they took her- she isn't dead-"

"How do you know that?" I yelled.

"Because I'm right you idiots." Y/n walked in out of breath.

"OH MY GOD." I ran up to her kissing her without a care in the world.


"I thought I lost you.." I ran my hands along her jawline.

"Stiles I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." She laughed as she fell in his arms.

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